Average rating of this university
- 20% of students Never faced discrimination in this University
- Easy going
- Academically oriented
- Friendly
- Fun loving
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Tips: Students should know that the admissions process is straightforward and that all the necessary information is available on the college website. Choose the course wisely, and reach out to the college helpline in case of help. Although most of the courses are diplomas, there are a few scholarship options that are listed on the website. The cultural drift is the limelight. Overall, I feel satisfied and confident.
Likes (Permanent Immigration): If you have a good profile before you immigrate, Humber can help you get a decent job, ...
- Total Monthly ExpenseCAD 1500
- Prepping time for classes40 hours / Week
- Expected Annual SalaryCAD 65150
Tips: Humber college has been a transformative journey. The supportive environment and unique community ease the adjustment. I was fortunate to secure a scholarship, recognizing academic achievements and alleviating financial concerns. My satisfaction with the college, the course curriculum and life in the country is high. The quality of education coupled with cultural exposure has made my experience at Humber fulfilling and enriching.
Likes (Quality of faculty): The quality faculty at humber college has been a standout aspect o...
- Total Monthly ExpenseCAD 1225
- Prepping time for classes20 hours / Week
- Expected Annual SalaryCAD 43200
Tips: I returned to India after completing my three-year course in Canada. I applied for scholarships but was rejected because they were reserved for Indigenous Canadians. I got minimum-wage jobs despite having interned at a government body in Canada. The college didn't help with placement at all. The job market is unkind to Indians who want to hold a respectable post. The only jobs open to immigrants are blue-collar jobs. Even for on-campus opportunities, only citizens are considered. Paying off my o...
- Total Monthly ExpenseCAD 6000
- Prepping time for classes35 hours / Week
- Expected Annual SalaryCAD 38000
Tips: After coming here as such there are no changes other than the cultural change. We get to experience new cultures and tend to be like them. The way they dress and talk. It’s in total a different vibe. I am totally satisfied with my college as it’s given me a new experience and a new way to live.
Likes (Internships): The best part about college is that you get to meet new people from around the world and get to gain new experiences from different people. Different events are like Halloween and more they even celebrate ...
- Total Monthly ExpenseCAD 3000
- Prepping time for classes25 hours / Week
- Expected Annual SalaryCAD 35000
Tips: One should know that if we choose diploma then we always have less opportunities as compared to degree so it’s very important to know that opportunities will be less if you are going for settlement then must go for degree. I suggest this but everybody have their own choices.
Likes (Safety): Because it’s located in the heart of Toronto and Toronto is very safe area also it’s very comfortable for girls. All transport facilities available till late night and there is a safety persons on the road every time because ...
- Total Monthly ExpenseCAD 1011
- Prepping time for classes22 hours / Week
- Expected Annual SalaryCAD 41250
Want to know your chances of admission in this university?
University City | Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
Size of city | Large |
Population of City | 27,31,571 |
Contact Details
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Toronto ( Ontario)