Average rating of this university
- 67% of students Never faced discrimination in this University
- Liberal
- Academically oriented
- Friendly
- Stressful
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- B.E. / B.Tech
- B.Sc.
- B.A.
- B.Com
- MASc
Tips: Internal fees is too high, become permanent resident first and then go to this school. Very eye-opening for middle-class students like me because I used to think that very intelligent and brilliant students study here but then you get to know that you are as brilliant and can be more brilliant than them - they just have the money. You develop very high confidence in yourself.
Likes (Permanent Immigration): If you will come to UBC, it will be either for Bachelor or Masters - in both cases, you will earn good points for educati...
- Total Monthly ExpenseCAD 2175
- Prepping time for classes20 hours / Week
- Expected Annual SalaryCAD 90600
Tips: Students joining this college should know that it has high fee structure. Vibrant campus community and abundance of opportunities to grow. It is always rainy here but it gives a lot of exposure. High research output and supportive faculty. There is a huge campus. Good food options are there with high living cost. It is one of the best engineering and business program in Canada.
Likes (Public transportation): UBC is one of the major transit hubs of Vancouver making it accessible from any part around the greater Vancouver area....
Tips: This university will you give you lifetime of memories and skills that will help you in life, beyond your chosen career. You will find innumerable opportunities to explore your capabilities and use them in life. There are several clubs and design teams that you can join, which will really add up to your resume. There is also a good advantage of developing your network here since there are always new guest lecturers, workshops, seminars, etc. happening on campus.
Likes (Value for money): No doubt this university is costly...
- Total Monthly ExpenseCAD 3085
- Prepping time for classes23 hours / Week
- Expected Annual SalaryCAD 58218
Want to know your chances of admission in this university?
University City | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada |
Size of city | Large |
Population of City | 6,31,486 |
Contact Details
2329 West Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada
Vancouver ( British Columbia)