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Overall Rating (Out of 5)
Based on 1 Verified Reviews
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Part time work
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Permanent Immigration
Indian Food
Student Views (Based on Reviews)
- 100% of students Never faced discrimination in this University
Vibe of Campus
- Academically oriented
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Anonymous | Bachelor of Science in Data Science and Analytics - Batch of 2024
Reviewed on 21 Oct 2023
NUS is a university which rewards you for what you put into it.
Tips: You can get a lot of scholarships/bond to lower the cost of tuition fees at NUS. I think I'm pretty adaptable, so transitioning to living in Singapore was not a problem at all, and while there have been high highs and low lows, all in all, I'm quite happy with my university life.
Likes (Quality of faculty): The statistics faculty is very diverse and quite friendly. The course material taught is a great balance between practical and theoretical knowledge. The other courses I've taken outside of Science have also been amazin...
- Total Monthly ExpenseSGD 1475
- Prepping time for classes20 hours / Week
- Expected Annual SalarySGD 60100
Want to know your chances of admission in this university?
University City | Singapore, Other - Singapore, Singapore |
Size of city | Large |
Population of City | 56,12,300 |
Contact Details
21 Lower Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119077
Singapore ( Other - Singapore)