Certificate in Data Science
- Offered byeCornell
Certificate in Data Science at eCornell Overview
Certificate in Data Science
at eCornell
Enhance Skills with Certificate in Data Science for Profound Analytical Proficiency and Career Advancement
Duration | 4 months |
Start from | Start Now |
Total fee | ₹3.01 Lakh |
Mode of learning | Online |
Official Website | Go to Website |
Credential | Certificate |
Certificate in Data Science at eCornell Highlights
Certificate in Data Science
at eCornell
- Earn a certificate of completion from eCornell
- Learn from expert faculty
- Real world projects
Certificate in Data Science at eCornell Course details
Certificate in Data Science
at eCornell
Skills you will learn
Who should do this course?
- Current and aspiring data scientists
- Analysts
- Engineers
What are the course deliverables?
- Explore the data analytics process and examine the tools available to improve decision making
- Use unsupervised learning techniques to help identify patterns in data and create visualizations to better spot those patterns
- Categorize data using supervised learning algorithms
- Predict the value of continuous variables with linear regression
- Use neural networks to make predictions about new data
More about this course
- From data to decision, R is quickly becoming one of the most popular and effective programming languages of data science
- In this program, you’ll apply data science tools to the collection of data and the translation of data into information, constructing models that can be used to address the questions that you're investigating
- You’ll have the opportunity to apply data analytics as a four-part process: gathering data, looking for patterns in that data, finding insights in any patterns you discover, and using those insights to make decisions
- This process does not make decisions for you, but it will help you to better understand the effects of the decisions you might make
Certificate in Data Science at eCornell Curriculum
Certificate in Data Science
at eCornell
Understanding Data Analytics
Finding Patterns in Data Using Association Rules, PCA, and Factor Analysis
Finding Patterns in Data Using Cluster and Hotspot Analysis
Regression Analysis and Discrete Choice Models
Supervised Learning Techniques
Neural Networks and Machine Learning
Certificate in Data Science at eCornell Faculty details
Certificate in Data Science
at eCornell
Linda Nozick
Linda Nozick is Professor and Director of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Cornell University. She is co-founder and a past director of the College Program in Systems Engineering and has been the recipient of several awards, including a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation and a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers from President Clinton for “the development of innovative solutions to problems associated with the transportation of hazardous waste.
Certificate in Data Science at eCornell Entry Requirements
Certificate in Data Science
at eCornell
Certificate in Data Science at eCornell Admission Process
Certificate in Data Science
at eCornell
Important Dates
May 22, 2024
Course Commencement Date
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Certificate in Data Science
at eCornell
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