SOP for Sweden: Guidelines for Top Swedish Universities

SOP for Sweden: Guidelines for Top Swedish Universities

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Aishwarya Bhatnagar
Study Abroad Expert
Updated on Jul 9, 2024 14:41 IST

Most universities in Sweden ask for short essays or a personal statement or a statement of purpose (SOP). A few programmes also ask for an additional writing supplement or a motivational letter. As applicants, you need to distinguish the intent of the document required by a university, divide the information accordingly, and include only the relevant content.

SOP for Sweden

When you are planning to study in Sweden, you may wonder what exactly is required in the SOP for Swedish universities. To put it simply, they ask for short essays or a personal statement or a statement of purpose (SOP). A few programmes also ask for an additional writing supplement or a motivational letter. As an applicant, you need to understand what the document requires exactly, divide the information accordingly, and include only the relevant content as per each document.

How to write an SOP for Sweden?

Writing an SOP for Swedish universities is similar to writing an SOP for a university, for any other country. Refer to this Sample SOP and have a look at what to include and what not to include in an SOP. Now that you have your basics clear, let us discuss some important aspects of your SOP or personal statement that will be expected by the university; highlight them to outshine other applicants:

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  • Give a brief yet impressive academic and professional background
  • If you faced any challenges or difficulties in life or as a professional, explain how did you overcome them?
  • Do you have any significant personal or professional achievements?
  • See if there is anything in your resume/CVthat you want to elaborate more on in your statement? Any interesting story that you want to tell?
  • What is so special about the programme at a particular university that you cannot find in any other programmes/universities? Do you find any professor inspiring whom you want to meet and learn from?
  • Is your profile suitable for this programme? Is there any special prerequisite knowledge, skills or work experience that you need before applying?
  • What are your future plans? What do you hope to do with the knowledge, network and experiences gained from this programme?

SOP for Top Swedish Universities

Let us glance at some of the top universities in Sweden and what do they require in their personal statement or statement of purpose:

Chalmers University of Technology: The SOP for this university should not exceed one page and must include a brief autobiographical statement. Along with this, you also need to submit a resume. As there is no specific format or template given by the university, so TNR with a 12-pt font size is preferable. Some courses also require applicants to submit a thesis proposal, as per the subject they have chosen.

Lund University: The university offers a set of questionnaires that should be answered in your Statement of Purpose. It is important to note that these questions may differ slightly as per the programme. But the word limit is the same for all, which is 1000 ā€“ 1400 words. Here are the points that should be covered in your SOP:

Interrelation between the chosen programme, your future career, and your previous degrees and professional experiences.

  • Value addition by this program to your career development
  • What do the terms Manager, Management, and Managing mean to you?
  • Relevant qualities or perspectives that you think you will bring to this program as a student of management?
  • Reasons for applying for this programme
  • How can you contribute to this programme?
  • Relevant academic strengths and interests for this programme?
  • Career ambitions immediately after graduation
  • Pros and cons of working in teams versus individually and on working with applications versus literature studies
  • Any other relevant qualifications, achievements, or experiences which have not been covered in the resume

Stockholm University: Generally, Stockholm University asks for an SOP or a Letter of Intent for its programmes. The document must focus on the following:

RecommendationView All

Explore MS colleges in Sweden

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Stockholm, SwedenPublic

59 courses
ā‚¹ 2.17 L - 16.59 L
Karolinska Institutet

Stockholm, SwedenPublic

4 courses
ā‚¹ 12.79 L - 15.5 L
Uppsala University

Uppsala, SwedenPublic

69 courses
ā‚¹ 7.98 L - 22.48 L
Lund University

Lund, SwedenPublic

11 courses
ā‚¹ 10.46 L - 31.77 L
University of Gothenburg

Gothenburg, SwedenPublic

4 courses
ā‚¹ 4.61 L - 11.08 L
Stockholm University

Stockholm, SwedenPublic

4 courses
ā‚¹ 10.85 L - 20.93 L
Chalmers University of Technology

Gothenburg, SwedenPrivate

34 courses
ā‚¹ 10.85 L - 12.4 L
Linkoping University

Linkoping, SwedenPublic

9 courses
ā‚¹ 9.77 L - 21.75 L
Umea University

UmeƄ, SwedenPublic

6 courses
ā‚¹ 11.07 L - 11.07 L
Jonkoping University

Jonkoping, SwedenNon-profit

11 courses
ā‚¹ 9.3 L - 11.63 L
Is this recommendation relevant?
  • Description of the academic and professional background
  • Particular areas of interest and why you are interested in them
  • Motives for applying to the programme
  • Future career plans
  • Plans for the programme you have enrolled in
  • Why this university and your compatibility as a graduate student of Stockholm University?

KTH Royal Institute of Technology: The requirements for this university vary as per the programme. Some courses will ask for a 500 to 1000-word SOP, while others may require short answer essays. For instance, the MS Engineering programme requires an SOP of 500 words (not more than one page). This SOP should emphasize upon the applicantā€™s academic and professional experiences, extracurricular activities, reasons for further studies, technical skills, and interests that will contribute to the programme, and why the applicant has chosen this institution. Another example can be Masterā€™s in Turbomachinery Aeromechanical University Training (THRUST). A short essay of 250 words is required which should cover:

  • Reason for interest in this program, specialization option and mobility scheme
  • Career intentions and reason for interest in those career choices
  • Academic, professional, or other related accomplishments
  • Role of a Masterā€™s degree in future career advancement

Uppsala University: Uppsala Universityā€™s statement of purpose should be one or two pages long with the following topics covered:

  • Why did you apply to this program?
  • What do you expect to gain from this program?
  • Any relevant work experiences?
  • What do you hope to achieve as a graduate?

Important Tips for SOP for Sweden

As and when you begin to draft your SOP for Swedish universities, always remember that each university and programme will have different requirements.  Top Swedish universities usually expect you to write short-answer questions or a short essay, which generally range between 300 to 500 words. Hence, read the programme-specific instructions carefully. Tips to consider before writing your draft are:

  • Type of document: Do check if it is an essay or a short-answer questionnaire, a personal statement or an SOP. Read the points to cover carefully and stick to them.
  • Word limit: Take the word limit very strictly. If there is no specific limit mentioned, it is advisable to keep the length to two pages with 1,000 words (maximum).
  • Format and font: Universities usually mention their preferences for a format. If it is not there, it would be ideal to use Times New Roman and a 12-pt font size. Arial font may also be accepted by some universities.
  • Language and vocabulary: If your courses require you to know Dutch and you are fluent in it, showcase this knowledge in your document. However, mostly, English will be preferred for the SOP for Swedish universities and other related documents like the letter of recommendation and resume. Your language should be lucid and simple, and avoid using jargons.
  • Plagiarism: Do not forget to run a grammar check as well as plagiarism check for your SOP. All the foreign universities are strictly against plagiarized work.

After explaining how to write an SOP for Swedish universities, it is advised that they take their application process and SOP drafting very seriously. For help with university applications, students seeking to study abroad can contact our Shiksha Study Abroad Counsellors. The comments section below allows candidates to contact us as well.

SOP for Sweden FAQs

Q. What is an SOP?

A. To understand a statement of purpose (SOP) simply, think of it as an essay that talks specifically about you. It is often required as a part of the application process by graduate school or college abroad. It highlights your motivation and logical reasons behind choosing a specific course of study as well as your academic and career aspirations. Generally, a statement of purpose will give details about the applicant's educational background and accomplishments, professional experience, relevant skills and goals. A crucial component of the application process, your statement of purpose enables the admission committees to assess your suitability for the. It is taken into consideration while making admissions decisions, especially for competitive programmes.

Q. Is an SOP important for study abroad applications to Sweden?

A. Yes, your SOP is crucial because it tells the admissions committees about your motivations, experiences and learning. It gives you the opportunity to highlight your drive, educational background, professional goals, moral principles and technical talents. You can show your unique points that distinguish you from other applicants and why you are a suitable match for the programme. A crucial component of your application, which enables the admissions committee to comprehend the attitude and goals of the applicant, is the statement of purpose.

Q. What should be the structure of an SOP for Sweden?

A. While preparing the SOP for Swedish universities, your academic and professional history, difficulties you had and how you overcame them, as well as your objectives and driving forces for enrolling in a particular programme of study should be covered. Some points to follow while structuring your SOP for Sweden are:

  • Introduce yourself briefly and mention your reasons to enrol in a course of study
  • Focus on your educational and professional background, emphasising upon any accomplishments or pertinent skills
  • Describe any challenges or difficulties you encountered, how you addressed them and the lessons you learned from them.
  • Describe your motives and goals for enrolling in the programme of study, as well as how they relate to your short-term as well as long-term professional aspirations.
  • Outline your qualifications for the programme and university, and then state your aspirations for the future in your conclusion.

Q. How do I write the introduction and the conclusion of my SOP for Sweden?

A. You can start with a remark that will grab the reader's attention and stimulate their interest in your essay. Give a succinct introduction and briefly talk about your professional and educational backgrounds. Include a thesis statement that summarises the main topic of your essay as well. The conclusion of your SOP is equally important as the beginning. Do not repeat the introduction but reiterate your key strengths that will show you as a potential candidate for the programme.

Q. Which are the top universities in Sweden?

A. The top universities in Sweden are: Karolinska Institute, Lund University, Uppsala University, Stockholm University, and KTH Royal Institute of Technology. This list is dependent on the source and the metric employed to produce them, and the rankings may change. While choosing a university to apply, it is crucial to take into account your academic interests and aspirations because some schools may excel in specific disciplines or fields.

Q. How will pursuing a Masterā€™s in Sweden help you achieve specific professional goals while also contributing to growth and positive change in your context?

A. Swedish universities are known to have strong industry collaborations that give access to a plethora of opportunities to the students. Therefore, you can find suitable internship opportunities that will significantly help you achieve specific professional goals. Further, in Sweden, you will have the freedom to explore a different culture, interact with diverse people and learn from their experiences. Such factors will lead to your overall growth and development.

Q: Ā  Is it hard to get into KTH Sweden?


For international students, getting admission into KTH Royal Institute of Technology is moderately difficult. KTH Royal Institute of Technology has an acceptance rate of 32% for Masters programs and merely 7% for bachelor's program. This figure indicates that on an average, only 32 out of 100 applicants get admitted into KTH for pursuing a postgraduate course, whereas only 7 secure an admission in the undergraduate course. Currently, international students comprise 30% of the total student population (13,500) of KTH. Aspirants interested in studying at KTH, need to have a minimum academic score of above 60% and an IELTS score of 6.5. 

Q: Ā  Is Sweden expensive for Indian students?


Sweden is generally very expensive to live. The cost of living in Sweden is very high in comparison to other European countries. Below we have given the average cost of living in Sweden.




345 – 670 EUR/month


440 EUR/month

Utilities (Electricity, Heating, Cooling, Water, Garbage)

76 EUR/month


28 EUR/month

Swedish Restaurant

11 - 23 EUR

3-Course Meal

47 - 76 EUR

Drink in a Bar


Books and other study materials

80 EUR/month

Social activities and entertainment

70 – 100 EUR/month

Health insurance

start at 30 EUR/month

Public transportation fares

77 EUR/month

Bicycle for transport

110 EUR

Q: Ā  How can I get a study visa for Sweden?


Study visa for Sweden has been broadly divided into two different types of visas a person can apply for when planning to go to Sweden. A person intending to travel to Sweden for recreational purposes would apply for a Schengen Visa. This is essentially a visa that is valid for three months. Since all visa applications are sent to Sweden, the student visa is processed in about 90 days. However, it might take longer and you are advised to start the process as soon as possible.

Q: Ā  What are the top 5 universities of Sweden?


Sweden has some of the best universities in the world. Here we have listed top 5 universities in Sweden as per the QS world university rankings for 2024. 


QS World University Rankings 2024

KTH Royal Institute of Technology


Lund University


Uppsala University


Stockholm University


Chalmers University of Technology


Q: Ā  How many universities are in Sweden?


In total, there are just 39 universities in the whole of Sweden. Here we have listed all the 39 universities in Sweden.

Universities in Sweden

Blekinge Institute of Technology

Chalmers University of Technology

Dalarna University

Halmstad University

Johannelund School of Theology

Jonkoping University

Karlstad University

Karolinska Institute

Konstfack, University of Arts, Crafts and Design

Kristianstad University

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Linkoping University

Linnaeus University

Lulea University of Technology

Lund University

Malardalen University

Malmo University

Marie Cederschiold University

Mid Sweden University

The Newman Institute

Orebro University

Royal College of Music

Royal Institute of Art

Sodertorn University of Stockholm

Sophiahemmet University

Stockholm School of Economics

Stockholm University

Stockholm University of the Arts

Swedish Defence University

Swedish Red Cross University

The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Umea University

University of Boras

University College Stockholm

University of Gavle

University of Gothenburg

University of Skovde

University West

Uppsala University

Q: Ā  What is the cost of study visa in Sweden?


Sweden Study Visa fee for Residence Permit for Study purposes for Sweden is SEK 1,500 at the current exchange rate. Students are required to make an online payment for the same by using a Visa or a MasterCard. (Both Credit and Bank/Debit Cards are acceptable).

Q: Ā  How can I get PR in Sweden after studying?


Getting Permanent Residency (PR) in Sweden is a bit complicated. Completing graduation in Sweden generally do not lead to PR. However, student permit for PhD generally lead to permanent residency. After completing graduation international students need to continuously seek for employment.

Q: Ā  What is the ranking of Linkoping University in Sweden?


Linkoping University ranking is among the top 10 universities in Sweden. According to Linkoping University QS ranking¸ the university ranks at 7th position in the country.

About the Author
Written by
Aishwarya Bhatnagar
Study Abroad Expert

Aishwarya is a professional Writer currently working as a Study Abroad Expert in the Editorial Team at Shiksha. She has over 5 years of experience and is skilled at creating Online Content with leveraged knowledge i... Read Full Bio

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Germany, France, Ireland and Sweden Expert

Priyakant Sharma brings over 14 years of diverse experience in operations management, team leadership, and devising sales/merchandising strategies for multi-unit retail chains across Europe and India. Transitioning ... Read Full Bio

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Gopika Bala

2 years ago

Can I get sample sop for sweden student visa

Reply to Gopika Bala


Rahul Singha

2 years ago

Hello Gopika. You can check out our sample SOPs in the article here: