How to find the perfect part-time student job abroad
Best part time jobs for students: The hunt for part-time jobs for students can be quite a task, but the question here is, how do you find the right part-time job as an international student? The answer is very simple, there are various ways to look for a part-time job while studying abroad. There are career centres at each university, and career fairs and networking can help too. Based on the study abroad destination, applicants can check the requirements and then apply for a part-time job abroad.
Part time jobs for students abroad are one of the ways to cater to their daily expenses of eating and travelling while studying abroad. Hence, this is why part time jobs for students abroad are so important. Not just for this reason, the applicants can gain hands-on experience and receive a certificate for the same. Thus, there are numerous benefits to doing a part-time job abroad. How to find a part-time job for students can be understood from the article below.
Also Read: Top 10 Part-time Jobs for Students Abroad
Types of Part-Time Jobs for Students Abroad
Best part-time jobs for students: If you are on a standard student visa to the UK, Canada, Australia or New Zealand, you can usually work up to 20 hours per week during term time and full-time during the holidays. In the USA you are restricted to on-campus work for up to 20 hours per week. This could mean working in the college administration office, cafeteria, shops, or within a faculty.
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You may be studying for a PhD, but you most probably won’t be able to get part-time work in your chosen field. That’s fine – no matter what you end up doing, it will add to your CV experience and understanding of the workplace culture abroad.
Best Part Time Jobs for Students
International students are often found working as…
- Waiters and bar staff
- Retail staff
- Warehouse staff
- Call centre phone operators
- Data entry staff
- Language teachers
These are all jobs that offer flexible part-time shifts, so you can take on more work time and coursework. Make sure you feel confident in your local language ability before applying for a job that requires you to talk a lot on the phone or face to face – such as a market researcher!
How to find a part-time job for students abroad?
You won’t be able to start looking until you’ve arrived and settled in – most employers will want to meet you in person. The best place to start is with your university’s job centre or employment office. As well as current listings of local jobs, they can help you write your CV and job application, prepare for an interview, and be ready for differences in work practices. You can also look online at career websites etc. Some countries have government-run job centres as well, such as the UK’s Job Centres. Local newspapers are also a great source of convenient part-time work.
Part-time Job Options in Countries Abroad
Wages for International Students
Most countries have a minimum wage that all employers must stick to, even if you’re a casual part-time shift worker. In the UK this is currently £11.44 per hour, in Australia, it’s A$21.38 per hour and in the US it’s US$7.25. Read: How Much Do Students Earn in Part-Time Jobs
You may be paid weekly, fortnightly or monthly, and usually as a direct deposit into your bank account. You will pay the tax out of your salary, and you should register for a local tax number (called a National Insurance number in the UK, and a Tax File Number in Australia) as soon as you are offered a job. You may be eligible for a tax return when you leave after your studies.
Also Read: Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in Dubai
Advantages / Disadvantages of Best Part time Jobs for Students Abroad
It’s important to think about your course workload before you take on part-time work. If you have a lot of contact hours and a heavy commitment to group work, you may not want to take on work that will cause you extra stress.
But some jobs can add an entirely new dimension to your student life. You’ll meet new friends, learn new skills and discover your hidden talents. It could be the highlight of your study abroad experience.
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Priya Garg is a seasoned content writer and editor. With her rich experience in content writing, teaching and research & analysis, Priya believes in providing only the correct information which is also up-to-date. H... Read Full Bio
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