Barasat Government College
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Barasat Government College Placement - Average Package & Highest Salary

  • A NAAC accredited
  • Public/Government Institute
  • Estd. 1950

Barasat Government College
Placements overview


(14 students)

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Barasat Government College
Average packages & top recruiters 2025

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Barasat Government College
Course placements 2023

CourseAverage salaryMedian SalaryHighest Salary
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Geography
3.00 Lakh
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Barasat Government College
Students Ratings & Reviews

Verified Icon14 Verified ReviewsInfo Icon
Placement Review IconPlacements2.6
Infrastructure Review IconInfrastructure3.9
Faculty Review IconFaculty & Course4.1
Crowd Review IconCampus Life4.3
Money Review IconValue for Money4.4
Romi Neogi Verified Icon
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Physics - Batch of 2028
1Placements1Infrastructure2Faculty3Crowd & Campus Life2Value for Money
The Review of Barasat Government College.
Placements: Our college don't provide any placement step up. If you want a job, then you must find it yourself. But our college degree has value. With this degree, no one can reject you from a job for the degree. But if you want to join this college for a job, then I say don't do it.
Infrastructure: In this college, they provide classrooms with whiteboards and projectors, which are very helpful for studying. In the library, you can find most books without any problem, and they provide a computer in the library. There is also college Wi-Fi that you can access with your mobile number. The college doesn't have any hostel for students.
Faculty: Most of the teachers in the college are helpful, but some teachers aren't very helpful. The teaching quality is decent, and the course curriculum isn't that much good. Exams for the semester are decent in terms of difficulty level. You can pass with 25%.
Reviewed on 4 Jan 2025Read More
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Jyotipriya Mandal Verified Icon
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Botany - Batch of 2023
1Placements4Infrastructure5Faculty4Crowd & Campus Life5Value for Money
Barasat Government College review.
Placements: This college doesn't offer any placement. But this college helps to build our career to achieve a placement and job. The college provides many webinars that help students build their careers and help to build our careers in agriculture, forestry and botany fields.
Infrastructure: Wi-Fi is available anywhere in the college. The college library has good enough books for students. Classrooms are good enough. Labs are cleaned and good enough. This college has a small canteen and the food quality is quite good and this college has a small playground with a badminton ground. And college doesn't provide any hostels.
Faculty: Teachers are very good enough and they are very helpful for students with their knowledge and experience. Professors are well qualified. This course helps students learn about agricultural industries and it helps students learn about flora and forestry. Semester exams are not too difficult and the percentage of students is about 75-90%.
Other: This college organizes a festival every year. Any kind of government. Scholarships are available at the college. This college has NCC, NSS and a science club.
Reviewed on 24 Oct 2024Read More
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Ruyan Dey Verified Icon
B.A. (Hons.) in English - Batch of 2023
4Placements4Infrastructure3Faculty2Crowd & Campus Life3Value for Money
Hood collates good placements.
Placements: Only 50% of the students were there in my course. The highest package was 35,000, and the minimum was 20,000. No companies, mainly schools. Seventy-two percent of students got internships. The top roles in my course include being a professor, teaching in classes, or being a teacher.
Infrastructure: The classrooms were really large, with proper ventilation and fans working properly. The benches were also in good condition, not broken or so. The canteen food was quite good; it was delicious. When you gorge on your food, the students should consider it.
Faculty: The teachers were helpful and helped us understand the topic later if we asked some questions. The student graduates have been given good training to pursue the job they wanted to do. The semester is moderate, not so tough, not so easily. Last-minute revision is enough to pass.
Other: The events at the festival are quite good.
Reviewed on 28 Apr 2024Read More
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Firoz Ali Verified Icon
B.A. (Hons.) in English - Batch of 2027
1Placements4Infrastructure5Faculty5Crowd & Campus Life5Value for Money
Pros and cons of the Government College Barasat.
Placements: The students who have passed out from this college are getting jobs through their own skills; there is no placement session conducted by the college. If you want to have an internship or any other opportunity, you have to arrange it on your own, and that is the worst part of this college.
Infrastructure: The infrastructure of this college is very good, including the library, lab, and classrooms. However, there is no hostel facility provided by the college. Many students who come from other districts have to rent their own rooms. I think that is a very big problem.
Faculty: In this college, the professors are very good; they are very professional in their teaching careers. Other curricular activities that happen in this college are very good, such as social work and many other things. The exam pattern and the management system of this college are very good, in my opinion.
Other: I chose English Honours because it is a very professional course. The best thing about it is that we learn about the language deeply. The event campus crowd is okay. The scholarships you can get are the Nabanna Scholarship, which is worth 10,000, and the Swami Vivekananda Scholarship, which is worth 12,000.
Reviewed on 22 Aug 2024Read More
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Krishnendu Kundu Verified Icon
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Botany - Batch of 2023
4Placements5Infrastructure5Faculty4Crowd & Campus Life5Value for Money
Most budget friendly course in a government college with a ragging free campus.
Placements: Their are some seniors who are doing research at prominent institutions with 6 L per year. While many of our seniors are teachers at other government colleges and schools with 7-10 L per annum. Also, some of them are in public sector, working as government employees. Some are also doing business that is related to course.
Infrastructure: Good canteen with cheap prices, healthy food, and a great environment. No bullying, harassment, or discrimination. CCTV coverage makes it more safe. Big library with great collection. Digital classroom with projector and laptop. Wi-Fi and laptop usable for study.
Faculty: Faculty are very friendly and highly informative. They provides all type of guidance and resources for study. Staff are very efficient and helpful. Lab assistant are very informative and caring. Also, the syllabus and exam are helpful for competitive exams and great jobs. Value-added courses are also organized for teaching us real-time skills.
Other: Our campus is really the most positive campus in my observation. No harassment, bullying, or discrimination is tolerated by our principal and working body.
Reviewed on 20 Aug 2024Read More
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Ankit Das Verified Icon
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Physics - Batch of 2028
1Placements4Infrastructure4Faculty4Crowd & Campus Life5Value for Money
A review of Barasat Government College.
Placements: This is not a technical or engineering college, so there is no placement cell or on-campus placements. Students usually pursue higher studies after completing this degree course. Most students who have completed this course get jobs through their own skills, as there is no placement session conducted by the college. If you want to do an internship, you have to arrange it on your own.
Infrastructure: The college has a big and well-maintained campus. It has a very strong Wi-Fi connection all over the campus, but there is a daily limit of 1 GB per day on the Wi-Fi network. The library has a huge collection of books, journals, and magazines. The library also has computers for students to use within the library. The laboratories are good, with very good and enough equipment. There's no hostel in the college, so students have to rent rooms outside the college. There is no mess, but there is one canteen inside the college, although the canteen food is not hygienic.
Faculty: Professors in this college are very good and professional. The faculty-to-student ratio is good, and the faculty members have a good demeanor. The course curriculum is quite relevant to real-life applications. Students can either go for a job or pursue higher studies after completing this degree. Semester exams are moderate to easy in difficulty. Mostly, all the students pass the exams.
Other: I chose this college because I wanted to take a drop year for the JEE exam, but I wanted to have a backup option. The best thing about this course is that it is very professional. The college campus is very positive, and there is no harassment or bullying inside the college campus. People here are very positive, and seniors try to help us in every way possible. We have our annual fest called EXUBERANCE, which is quite decent.
Reviewed on 3 Jan 2025Read More
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Barasat Government College

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Answered 10 months ago

The Institute takes pride in offering its students a median placement salary of INR 0.33 LPA, that underscores its dedication to preparing graduates for prosperous careers by providing them with a noteworthy and competitive compensation package.


Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

Answered 10 months ago

Barasat Government College offers in-campus placement salaries in the range of INR 2.54616 LPA to M.Sc. students.


Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

Answered 10 months ago

Barasat Government College has been rated 3.43 on Placements on the basis of 19 reviews given by the students.


Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

Answered 2 weeks ago

Yes, you can pursue a doctoral course in 2024 after graduating with a Geography (Hons) degree from BaraSat Government College in 2021. Most universities and colleges offer various postgraduate programs, including M.A. and MS degrees to students. or M.Sc. If you are pursuing a Geosciences degree in G

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Sandeep Samineni

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 5 months ago

{Source: B.Sc. students & alumni}

Based on the feedback from students and alumni, here's what emerges:

* Infrastructure: The college has good infrastructure, including well-equipped laboratories, spacious classrooms, and a resourceful library. Wi-Fi connectivity is available across the campus.
* Facul

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Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

Barasat Government College
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Barasat Government College, 10, K.N.C Road, N 24 Parganas
Kolkata ( West Bengal)

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