APPSC Group 2 main final answer key 2019 released; Check here details

APPSC Group 2 final answer key was released on January 22, 2020. Read here details about the answer keys and result.
APPSC Group 2 final answer key for the main exam was released by the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC). The APPSC Group 2 main result will be prepared based on this answer key and no further corrections will be done in this final answer key. The APPSC Group 2 final answer key is released separately for each paper of the main exam. The main exam was conducted online at various centre across the state.
How to check the APPSC Group 2 Answer Key?
- Click on the official website - APPSC
- Click on the Keys and objections tab
- After clicking, a new window will appear showing the APPSC Group 2 final answer key
- The final answer key is released for each of the paper such as
- Paper-I - General Studies and Mental Ability
- Paper-II – A.P Social History and Constitution
- Paper-III - Planning in India and Indian Economy
- Click on the paper name and the answer key will appear in the PDF format
- Download and save the answer key for the future reference
The APPSC Group 2 result will be declared soon after the publication of the answer key. The APPSC Group 2 main exam was conducted on August 29 and August 30, 2019. The main result will follow with the APPSC Group 2 interview process. The interview will be conducted at the commission office premises in Vijaywada.
APPSC Group 2 main answer key was released on September 6, 2019 and the objections were called from the candidates. Later, the modified answer key was released in November 2019 asking again for the objections from the candidates.
The APPSC Group 2 notification 2019 was published for 446 vacancies on January 10 and the APPSC Group 2 screening test was conducted on May 5, 2019.
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With over thirteen years of experience in the government exam and its preparation domain, Rachit knows the life cycle of almost all government exams and related information. He deeply understands the user requiremen... Read Full Bio