Acharya Brojendra Nath Seal College
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Acharya Brojendra Nath Seal College Placement - Average Package & Highest Salary

  • Public/Government Institute
  • Estd. 1888

ABN Seal
Placements overview


(11 students)

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ABN Seal
Average packages & top recruiters 2025

Top Recruiters

Orion edutech
TATA Consultancy Services
Eureka Forbes
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ABN Seal
Course placements 2019

CourseAverage salaryMedian SalaryHighest Salary
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
INR 3.87 Lakh
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ABN Seal
Students Ratings & Reviews

Verified Icon11 Verified ReviewsInfo Icon
Placement Review IconPlacements3.4
Infrastructure Review IconInfrastructure4.4
Faculty Review IconFaculty & Course4.4
Crowd Review IconCampus Life4.5
Money Review IconValue for Money4.4
Ayan Sutradhar Verified Icon
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Physics - Batch of 2025
4Placements5Infrastructure4Faculty5Crowd & Campus Life5Value for Money
A brief review to build your future in the right way.
Placements: Nearly 60% of students get placed in our course. Different companies offer a sufficient amount of package to students. The highest package of last year was 80000 per month, the lowest was 30000 per month, and 50000 per month was the average package that was given. Nearly all students who want to do an internship get it. I do a workshop and internship in BIS and Star Cement.
Infrastructure: All the necessary things such as good quality classrooms, and good quality teaching were offered to us. Also, the labs were very good we could do all the necessary practicals which helped us to build our concepts for our higher studies. The hostel is also very good, with good food, the room was given to us, the room had to be shared by 3 students. The monthly fees for room and mess are very cheap, around 1500 per month. We also have a medical room for primary treatment which is run by the physiology department of our college. Different types of sports facilities are also given to us such as volleyball, football, cricket, badminton, table tennis, etc. Also, we have a gym on our college campus.
Faculty: All teachers of our course are very highly qualified. Most of them have done Ph.D. and some have done Masters. They teach us in a very good way and clear the concept that helps us a lot. Also, they help us to do our practicals properly. Yes, our course is relevant. After this degree, we get some job offers and also get a very good opportunity to pursue our Masters from renowned institutes. After which, every student gets a good amount of package and can make their future bright. The semester exams are standard and most questions are moderate. The pass percentage is 40% in our semester exams.
Other: I chose this course because I generally love to study Physics and this college is a renowned institute that helps me to know more about this subject and my interest is growing day by day. I think one or two more classrooms are required for our department. Also, some more equipment is needed in labs. Annual events, freshers' party, Basant Utsav, and annual sports are held in our college that make our college life memorable. The campus crowd is very lovely and our campus is very beautiful. Students get different scholarships like national scholarships, INSPIRE scholarships, Swami Vivekananda scholarships, and many more. Many workshops, cinematic clubs, and photography clubs are also present on our campus.
Reviewed on 6 Dec 2024Read More
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Ankesh Saha Verified Icon
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Batch of 2025
4Placements5Infrastructure5Faculty5Crowd & Campus Life4Value for Money
Our beloved college, our pride.
Placements: This year, some companies came to our college campus, like ICIC. Our seniors attend this placement, and they are going through 3 rounds of interviews. Some of our seniors get placement, and they also get job letters. It is a great sign for us and the future students of this college.
Infrastructure: Labs at our college are so good. The teachers are very helpful. We can access free Wi-Fi on the college campus. Our classroom is quite large. We have a library where we can access so many books; our college has boys and girls hostels; and our college has a nice canteen.
Faculty: Teachers are very well qualified. Their teaching quality is so good. If we have any problems, they try their best to solve them. Our semester exams are moderate-to-hard. Teachers take class internals before our final exam, which helps us revise our syllabus.
Reviewed on 16 Jun 2024Read More
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AnonymousVerified Icon
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Chemistry - Batch of 2027
5Placements5Infrastructure5Faculty4Crowd & Campus Life5Value for Money
A little glance over ABN Seal college.
Placements: 92% of students are placed in our college. B.Sc. is an available course at our college. Tata, Reliance, and Chemical Company are the top recruiting companies for our course. 48 percent of students got internships at chemical companies. MNC, CEO and NASA jobs are the top roles offered in my course.
Infrastructure: There is good-quality literature in our college for physics, chemistry and geography. A big national library is in our college. In college, ground Wi-Fi is available. Classrooms are big and well-equipped for studying. There is a large hostel attached to the college, which is ragging-free.
Faculty: Teachers are very helpful. They are passed out from popular IIT and well qualified. Their teaching quality is so good. This course is very useful and almost all students can join the chemical industry after passing it. Semester exams are difficult. At least 90 percent of students can pass.
Other: I have liked chemistry from a young age. So choose this course. There is a seminar all week.
Reviewed on 6 Mar 2024Read More
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Abhijit Barman Verified Icon
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Physics - Batch of 2025
1Placements5Infrastructure5Faculty5Crowd & Campus Life5Value for Money
Absolutely satisfied from faculty, bad placement, good infrastructure, best and modern labs.
Placements: Our college do not give placements opportunities. All courses are general courses, all students go for M.Sc. M.A. or they prepare for government jobs. Some of students go for internship in other colleges and many students come to our college for internships.
Infrastructure: Our campus is enough for our need. All departments has personal Wi-Fi facility. Labs are best in college, the labs are best in North Bengal. Library provide us 30 day book return policy and library book collection is quite impressive. Classrooms is very clean and maintained.
Faculty: Our professors are very friendly in nature, they solve our all doubts and problems. Their education background is quite impressive, all professor has Ph.D. degrees from well named university. Our department so many Science events for our knowledge extension. The semester exam are very difficult and the internal exam conducted very strictly.
Other: Physics department of ABN seal is one of the best in our state, it is too popular and the facilities from college is quite impressive. The best about my course is modern lab equipment. The all kinds of cultural fest hosted in our college, campus life is friendly, sports is quite good.
Reviewed on 7 Nov 2023Read More
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Subhom Ghosh Verified Icon
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Batch of 2024
4Placements4Infrastructure4Faculty5Crowd & Campus Life4Value for Money
Our college provides good faculty members.
Placements: The placement cell is active. Many top recruiting companies visit our college for recruitment.
Infrastructure: Our campus has good environment. Classrooms are well-maintained. Hostel facilities are average. The food served in the hostel is good. Laboratorie are very good. There is a huge central library in our college. Several books are available in the library.
Faculty: Professors are very good. They are well qualified. Few of them are still in research fields. Faculty members are very interactive. We have 2 semester exams in a year as per the CBCS system. Semester exams are moderate. The course curriculum is relevant to make students ready for the industry.
Other: Many seminars are conducted in this college.
Reviewed on 3 Jun 2023Read More
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Plaban Debnath Verified Icon
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Physiology - Batch of 2025
4Placements4Infrastructure4Faculty5Crowd & Campus Life5Value for Money
I am satisfied with our faculty members. Our college has good infrastructure.
Placements: Our college provides internships in various labs when you qualify for certain exams.
Infrastructure: Our canteen is average, but the hostel quality is good. Sports and games are good enough. The food served in the canteen is average. The hostel is good enough. For medical facilities, our college has prepared the NSS unit and health unit.
Faculty: The teaching quality is very high. Some teachers are strict, but most of them are friendly and will help with any problem like studying or other situations you are facing. If you have good relations, they help you financially if needed. You will be satisfied with our teachers.
Other: It is a graduation course. You can go further to do M.Sc. in medical institutes or IITs. There are various options you can choose, which you can explore further when you enroll in our college. Our college organises, and everyone can participate. Our college conducts cultural events.
Reviewed on 6 Feb 2023Read More
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ABN Seal

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Answered 10 months ago

Acharya Brojendra Nath Seal College have median salary of INR 6.0142 LPA for M.A. course. Also, it has received ratings of 3.21 for Placements.


Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

Answered 10 months ago

The Institute takes pride in offering its students a median placement salary of INR 4.29 LPA, that underscores its dedication to preparing graduates for prosperous careers by providing them with a noteworthy and competitive compensation package.


Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

Answered 10 months ago

Acharya Brojendra Nath Seal College offers in-campus placement salaries in the range of INR 3.87 LPA to B.A. students.


Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

Answered 10 months ago

Acharya Brojendra Nath Seal College has been rated 3.21 on Placements on the basis of 10 reviews given by the students.


Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

Answered 10 months ago

Acharya Brojendra Nath Seal College offers placement support to its students. Notable organizations that visit the institute for recruitment include Mobiezy, Staff Nurse, Cummins India Ltd Korhrud Pune, Blackrobe Chambers.


Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

ABN Seal
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Contact Information


Acharya Brojendra Nath Seal College,
Beside Rashmela Ground

Coochbehar ( West Bengal)

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