Uttar Pradesh engineering colleges to admit students through JEE from next year

Uttar Pradesh engineering colleges to admit students through JEE from next year

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New Delhi, Updated on Jan 13, 2020 16:20 IST

Uttar Pradesh engineering colleges will admit students on the basis of their performance in JEE from the academic session 2021. The move aims to reduce the preparation burden on students.

Admission to technical universities and engineering colleges of Uttar Pradesh will be done through Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) beginning the next academic year 2021. The state government is going to end the system of admission to these institutions under university level examination. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister. Yogi Adityanath has given in-principle approval to the new admission system. With this, students of the state will not be required to prepare for different examinations in engineering institutes.

Till now, Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU) conducts state level entrance examination in the state. On the basis of merit in this examination, students are admitted to all technical universities and engineering colleges of the state. However, some private universities conduct separate entrance exams. Therefore, students have to prepare according to the university or institution in which they have to enroll. At the same time, students have to prepare separately for admission to different engineering colleges. Under this situation, students face a lot of difficulty and parents also have to spend more on the preparation.

Increased chances of admission to national institutions

The Department of Technical Education has prepared a proposal for a new system of admission citing the interests of students and parents. Apart from this, admission to all the premier technical institutes of the country like IIT, NIT, IIIT, GFTI, etc, is through JEE. The responsibility of conducting JEE rests with the National Testing Agency (NTA). If the institutes of the state also start conducting admissions through JEE, then students may need not prepare separately for admission to state-level institutions.

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With a degree in MBA from ICFAI University and work experience in all sectors of education, Jasleen wishes to guide students to choose a perfect academic course in accordance to their personality to build a bright f... Read Full Bio

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