UPPSC to modify norms for mains, interviews for recruitment

UPPSC to modify norms for mains, interviews for recruitment

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New Delhi, Updated on Feb 6, 2020 17:26 IST

With this decision, the commission has negated earlier decisions of May 29, 2004 and June 19, 2004 setting altered standards for distinct recruitments to remove irregularities.

The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) is going to modify the regulations for calling candidates for mains examinations and interviews during its various recruitments. The new decision will help bring uniformity of regulations. The commission officials had decided to invite candidates uniformly only against vacancies available against each category of exam for both the recruitment exams wherein mains and interviews are held as well as interviews for direct recruitments that the commission undertakes. With this decision, the commission has negated earlier decisions of May 29, 2004 and June 19, 2004 setting altered standards for distinct recruitments to remove irregularities.

Under this new modification, the commission had already decided to invite candidates 13 times the available vacant posts for mains examination for its PCS Recruitment Exams, erstwhile called Combined State/Upper Subordinate Services Exam. Previously the norm was to invite 18 times the vacant posts for the mains examination. Correspondingly, for the interview, the decision is to invite twice the number of vacant posts rather than thrice, as was the norm earlier.

This new standard for PCS (Mains) and interviews has been applied with effect from the PCS-2019 itself. Likewise, the commission will set norms for all its other recruitment exams as well as for direct hiring. These new norms will also affect old recruitment procedures including PCS-2018 as well as RO/ARO-2016 recruitments whose results have not yet been announced by the commission. PCS (Mains)-2018 has been held by UPPSC but its result is awaited while RO/ARO (Preliminary) Exam-2016, held earlier, has been annulled and is planned to be re-conducted on May 3, 2020.

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