Mumbai University marksheets will be available online soon

Mumbai University marksheets will be available online soon

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Anum Ansari
Assistant Manager – Content
New Delhi, Updated on Jan 31, 2020 17:28 IST

In the pilot project, the Mumbai University has uploaded the marksheets of over 12,000 first-year engineering students across 15 branches online.

Mumbai University students will soon be able to check their answer sheets on the university's official website. The University has decided to provide end-to-end solutions online for their entire lifecycle as students. As an experiment/pilot project, the university uploaded the marksheets of first-year engineering students in the integrated system that can be accessed by the students.

This initiative by Mumbai University will let students not wait for hard copies of the marksheets, to seek re-valuation, or to seek further admissions. The uploaded marksheets will not only have student’s final scores but also their internal marks, cumulative grade point average and their overall grades. In the current procedure, the students just get to see if they have passed or failed, this procedure will let them know their subject-wise score in detail. The online marksheets can be used for all sorts of administrative purposes, including admissions and re-valuation.

An official from the university revealed that this integrated system will cover everything from enrolment to the declaration of the result. In the pilot project, the Mumbai University has uploaded the marksheets of over 12,000 first-year engineering students across 15 branches online. Students will still receive the hard copies but none of their post –activities will be delayed with online copies. The process has been started with the engineering faculty, and will soon be extended to other courses.

Agrawal Committee - a state-appointed committee first recommended this end-to-end online solution in 2012. The Mumbai University started with delivering question papers online and then went on to start assessing papers online. Even the entire enrolment process of the university is now online.

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Anum Ansari
Assistant Manager – Content

"Writing is not about accurate grammar, it's about the honest thoughts you put in it". Having a versatile writing style, Anum loves to express her views and opinion on different topics such as education, entertainme... Read Full Bio