AFCAT Syllabus 2025: Download Subject-wise Syllabus PDF

Air Force Common Admission Test 2025 ( AFCAT )

DeskCalelnderExam On - 22 Feb '25 - 23 Feb '25

Anangsha Patra
Updated on Jan 31, 2025 10:07 IST

By Anangsha Patra, Deputy Manager – Editorial

AFCAT Syllabus 2025: The Indian Air Force (IAF) prescribes AFCAT syllabus so that candidates know the topics they need to prepare for the exam. AFCAT syllabus outlines the topics and sub-topics that candidates need to prepare inorder to crack the exam. Before beginning with the AFCAT preparation, candidates must refer to the syllabus. Candidates must also practice previous years' AFCAT Question Papers to know the types of questions asked in the exam. The subjects included in AFCAT exam are General Awareness, Verbal Ability in English, Numerical Ability and Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test. A total of 300 marks are allotted for AFCAT exam. Candidates appearing for the exam must go through the AFCAT exam pattern to understand the overall structure of the exam.  Scroll down to check the detailed AFCAT syllabus 2025.

Also Read: AFCAT shift Timings

Q:   What is the syllabus of AFCAT?

The syllabus of AFCAT comprises topics from General Awareness, Verbal Ability in English Numerical Ability and Reasoning, and Military Aptitude Test. The syllabus of EKT comprises topics from Mechanical, Computer Science, and Electrical and Electronics. Candidates must prepare as per the syllabus of AFCAT to score good marks in the exam. AFCAT syllabus is formulated as per the latest exam pattern and preparing accordingly will help candidates to formulate proper strategy for the exam. Candidates can check below AFCAT syllabus: English: Comprehension, Detect Error in Sentence, Sentence Completion/ Filling in of correct word, Synonym/ Antonym, Cloze Test or Fill in the Gaps in a paragraph, Idioms and Phrases, Analogy, Sentence Rearranging, Substitution in a Sentence/ One Word Substitution. General Awareness. History, Geography, Sports, National & International Organizations, Art & Culture, Personalities, Environment & Ecology, Indian Polity, Economy, Basic Science Based Knowledge, Science & Technology, Current Affairs (National & International), Defence Numerical Ability. Decimal Fraction, Time and Work, Average/ Percentage, Profit & Loss, Ratio & Proportion, Simple and Compound Interest, Time & Distance and Races (Trains/ Boats & Streams), Area and Perimeter, Probability, Number System & Number Series, Mixture & Allegation Rules, Clocks Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test. Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning
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Q:   What is AFCAT syllabus for ground duty branch?

AFCAT conducts the exam for 300 marks. Tototal 100 questions are asked in the exam and each question carries three marks. AFCAT syllabus is common for all the branches. The syllabus comprises General Awareness, Verbal Ability, Numerical Ability, Reasoning & Military Aptitude Test. AFCAT syllabus for ground duty branch is given below: AFCAT Syllabus for General Awareness : History, Sports, Geography, Environment, Civics, Basic Science, Defence, Art, Culture, Current Affairs Politics etc. AFCAT Syllabus for Verbal Ability in English Comprehension, Error Detection, Sentence Completion, Synonyms, Antonyms and Testing of Vocabulary. Numerical Ability: Decimal Fraction, Simplification, Average, Profit & loss, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion and Simple interest. Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test: Verbal Skills and Spatial Ability.
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Q:   Which are the important topics for AFCAT exam?


To ace AFCAT exam, it is mandatory to know the important topics covered in AFCAT syllabus. Knowing important topics will help candidates to strategise their preparation and score maximum marks. Some of the important topics in AFCAT syllabus are given below:

  • English: Spotting Errors, Fill in the blanks, One-word substitution, Sentence completion, Synonyms and Antonyms, etc.
  • Mathematics: Percentage, Profit and Loss, Ratio and Proportion, Boats and Streams, Time and Work, Average, Interest, etc.
  • Reasoning: Odd one out, Venn Diagram, Analogy, Blood relations, missing figures, Syllogism, Coding-Decoding, etc.
  • General Awareness: History, Geography, Current Affairs, Art and Culture, Sports, Important days and events, etc.


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Q:   What is AFCAT Mechanical Syllabus?


AFCAT syllabus for Mechanical Engineering is given below. 

  • Fundamental Engineering syllabus: Engineering Physics,  Engineering Mathematics and Engineering Drawing/ Engineering Graphics.
  • Specialised Branch topics: Thermodynamics,  Fluid Mechanics/Hydraulic Machines,  Engineering Mechanics,  Materials Science,  Thermodynamics,  Manufacturing Science,  Machine Drawing.
  • Allied Engineering Topics: Aerodynamics,  Flight Mechanics,  Aircraft Structures,  Power Plant Engineering.,  Industrial Engineering,  Automotive Engineering
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Table of content
  • AFCAT Syllabus 2025
  • AFCAT Exam Pattern 2025
  • AFCAT Previous Years' Question Papers
  • AFCAT Books 2025
  • How to Prepare for AFCAT 2025?
  • AFCAT Syllabus 2025 FAQs

AFCAT Syllabus 2025

AFCAT syllabus comprises the topics that candidates need to prepare for the exam. It is most important to understand the syllabus before beginning with the syllabus. Candidates should cover all the topics given in the AFCAT syllabus. They should not miss out any topic for revision. The standard of AFCAT syllabus for Numerical Ability is of Class 10 level. The standard of questions in other subjects of AFCAT syllabus is of graduation level. The important highlights related to AFCAT syllabus is given below.

Subjects Important Details
English Language

This section aims to test the vocabulary and grammar of candidates. Questions are basically asked from Comprehension, Detect Error in Sentence, Sentence Completion/ Filling in of correct word, Synonym/ Antonym, Cloze Test or Fill in the Gaps in a paragraph, Idioms and Phrases, Analogy, Sentence Rearranging, Substitution in a Sentence/ One Word Substitution

General Awareness

The General Awareness section aims to assess the knowledge of candidates regarding the Current Affairs. Questions are asked from General Awareness. History, Geography, Sports, National & International
Organizations, Art & Culture, Personalities, Environment & Ecology, Indian Polity, Economy, Basic Science Based Knowledge, Science & Technology, Current Affairs (National & International), Defence

Numerical Ability

This section tests the calculative ability of candidates. Questions are asked on Numerical Ability. Decimal Fraction, Time and Work, Average/
Percentage, Profit & Loss, Ratio & Proportion, Simple and Compound Interest, Time & Distance and Races (Trains/ Boats & Streams), Area and Perimeter, Probability, Number System & Number Series, Mixture & Allegation Rules, Clocks.

Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test 

Questions are asked from Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning

Also Read: Important Topics for AFCAT Exam

AFCAT Syllabus PDF

AFCAT syllabus PDF is divided into five sections that are Numerical Ability, Reasoning, English, General Awareness & Military Aptitude. Candidates applying for technical posts also have to appear for EKT after the exam. Candidates appearing for the AFCAT exam can download AFCAT syllabus PDF to learn about the chapters they need to prepare for the exam.

Download here AFCAT Syllabus PDF

Also Read: AFCAT Non-Technical Syllabus

AFCAT English Syllabus 

The questions in the English Language of AFCAT are asked from Comprehension, Error Detection, Sentence Completion/ Filling in of Correct Word, Synonyms, Antonyms and the Testing of Vocabulary, Idioms, and Phrases. The standard of questions is easy in terms of difficulty level. The distribution of questions is given below.

Topics No of Questions

Fill in the blacks 


Error Detection




Reading Comprehension


Antonym/ Synonym


Cloze test


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AFCAT General Awareness Syllabus 

Questions in this section are asked from History, Geography, Civics, Politics, Current Affairs, Environment, Basic Science, Defence, Art, Culture, Sports, etc.

Topics No of Questions
History 5
Geography 4
Science 5
Polity 4
Current Affairs and Economics 7
Total 25
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AFCAT Numerical Ability Syllabus

In this section, questions are asked from Numerical Ability, Decimal Fraction, Time and Work, Average, Profit & Loss, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion and Simple Interest, Time & Distance (Trains/Boats & Streams). The distribution of questions is given below.

Topics No of Questions
Profit/Loss and Discount 2
Ratio & Percentage 3
Mixture & Allegations 2
Algebra 2
Time and Work 2
Simplification 3
Speed and Distance 2
Average  2

Get the Top Score in Numerical Ability section of Competitive Entrance Exams with Expert Prep Tips

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AFCAT Reasoning & Military Aptitude Syllabus

Questions in this section are asked from Verbal Skills and Spatial Ability.


No of Questions

Non-Verbal (Image)


Odd one out




Venn diagram


Complete the pattern




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AFCAT Non-Technical Syllabus

A thorough understanding of AFCAT non-technical syllabus helps candidates to achieve the desired result. It helps candidates to know about the exam and focus on the important topics to achieve their goals. AFCAT non-technical syllabus is a detailed description of the topics asked in each section of the exam. Candidates can check below AFCAT non-technical syllabus.

Subjects AFCAT Non-Technical Syllabus 

General Awareness


National & International Organisations

Geography, Art & Culture



Environment & Ecology


Indian Polity

Basic Science Based Knowledge

Science & Technology

Current Affairs (National & International)




Error Detection in Sentence

Sentence Completion/ Fill in the correct word

Cloze Test / Fill in the blanks in a paragraph

Synonym/ Antonym

Idioms and Phrases

Sentence Rearranging


Substitution in a Sentence/ One Word Substitution

Numerical Ability

Time and Work

Decimal Fraction

Profit & Loss

Ratio & Proportion


Simple and Compound Interest

Time & Distance and Races (Trains/ Boats & Streams)


Area and Perimeter

Mixture & Allegation Rules

Number System & Number Series


Reasoning and military aptitude test

Odd One Out


Venn Diagram

Pattern Completion

Dot Situation Analysis

Blood Relation

Missing Figures

Figure Classification

Coding and Decoding

Spotting the Embedded Figures

Expert Tips to Crack AFSB Interview

Important Points Related to AFCAT Syllabus

Some of the important points related to AFCAT syllabus are given below:

  • Questions in the exam are based on the metric system of weights and measures wherever applicable
  • Air Force has the discretion to fix qualifying marks in any or all the subjects of the examination
  • Questions in the exam are based on the topics given in the AFCAT syllabus
  • The standard of Numerical Ability Questions is of Matriculation level. The standard of questions in other subjects is of graduation level (Indian University)
  • Candidates must attempt the practice test after going through the syllabus to improve their speed and accuracy
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Commonly asked questions

Q:   Which are the important topics for AFCAT Reasoning Ability and Military Aptitude?


Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test is one of the important sections of AFCAT exam. This section assess a candidate's ability to apply logic and military skills in practical situations. The important topics for this section are:

Verbal Reasoning: The Verbal Reasoning section comprises the following topics:

  • Series Completion
  • Coding-Decoding
  • Analogy, Classification
  • Blood Relations
  • Puzzle Test
  • Logical Venn Diagrams
  • Alphabet Test
  • Ranking
  • Time Sequence Test.

Non-Verbal Reasoning: This section comprises the following topics:

  • Series
  • Analogy
  • Classification
  • Mirror Images
  • Water Images
  • Embedded Figures
  • Completion of Incomplete Pattern
  • Figure Matrix
  • Paper Folding
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Q:   Which are the important topics for General Awareness in AFCAT exam?


Questions in the General Awareness section in the AFCAT exam are asked from History, Geography, Civics, Politics, Current Affairs Environment, Basic Science, Defence, Art, Culture, Sports, etc. Candidates must keep an watch on the latest national and international news for the Current Affairs. They must prepare the Current Affairs of last one year to six months. The tips and tricks to ace the General Awareness section are given below:

  • Candidates must read newspapers, magazines, current affairs regularly inorder to get updated with the recent happenings
  • Candidates must focus on important topics such as Indian History, Geography, Indian Polity, Economy, Sports, Science and Technology, Awards and Honors, etc.
  • Candidates must take online quizzes and mock tests to check their knowledge and identify weak areas
  • Candidates must make notes of important facts and figures for quick revision
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Q:   What are the important topics for Numerical Ability in AFCAT exam?

The important topics for the AFCAT Numerical Ability section are Decimal Fraction, Time and Work, Average, Profit & Loss, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion and Simple Interest, Time and Distance (Trains/Boats & Streams). Candidates can prepare for the Numerical Ability section only through practice. They should also learn the shortcut tricks of solving questions in this section. Solving questions with the shortcut tricks will help candidates to attempt more questions in less possible time. The tips and tricks to prepare the Maths section of AFCAT are given below: Review the math concepts that will be covered on the test. This includes topics such as Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry Make sure to understand the formulas and concepts Practice Maths as much as possible Make sure to practice Maths questions in the time allotted for the test Take online mock tests
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Q:   What are the important topics for the English Language section in the AFCAT exam?

The important topics for the English Language section of the AFCAT exam are Comprehension, Error Detection, Sentence Completion/ Filling in of Correct Word, Synonyms, Antonyms and Testing of Vocabulary, Idioms, and Phrases. Candidates can prepare the English Language section by reading newspapers, novels, magazines, etc. Thoroughly go through the prescribed AFCAT English syllabus Make sure that candidates have gone through the exam pattern Candidates must read newspapers and magazines Candidates must work on their grammar and vocabulary Candidates can refer to their high school English books to improve their grammar and vocabulary Candidates must practice mock tests to know the type of questions they can expect in the exam Candidates must also practice the sample papers or previous year question papers
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AFCAT Exam Pattern 2025

AFCAT exam pattern highlights the overall structure of the exam. All the registered candidates are required to appear in the online test. Candidates who opt for Ground Duty (Technical) branches are required to appear in both AFCAT and Engineering Knowledge Test (EKT). AFCAT exam comprises 100 objective-type questions, while EKT carries 50 questions. The maximum marks allotted for AFCAT are 300, while EKT carries 150 marks. 

Sectional Weightage of Marks

AFCAT exam syllabus consists of two papers and both are objective type-AFCAT for Flying & Ground Duty Branch (Non-Tech) and EKT for Ground Duty (Technical Branch). The weighage given to AFCAT syllabus is given below.

Exam Subject Duration No. of Question Maximum Marks

AFCAT (For all branches)

Numerical Ability, Reasoning, English, General Awareness & Military Aptitude

120 Minutes



EKT (For Technical Branch Only)

Mechanical, Computer Science, Electrical, Electronics & Communication

45 Minutes



AFCAT Marking Scheme

The marking scheme of AFCAT is given below:

  • For correct answers, candidates score three marks. The total score of candidates is calculated after deducting AFCAT negative marking
  • There is AFCAT negative marking. For every incorrect answer, one mark is deducted 
  • Candidates will not get marks for unattempted questions

Normalisation of AFCAT Score

IAF conducts AFCAT exam in multiple shifts. The difficulty level of the exams is different for different shifts. Normalisation of marks is done to adjust the difficulty level of the exam held across various shifts. Normalisation of marks is done to ensure fairness in the examination process.

AFCAT Mock Test

AFCAT mock test helps candidates familiarise themselves with the exam pattern. Mock tests are like actual tests and the question paper is framed based on the latest pattern.Practising mock test candidates can learn the effective time management skills.  

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Commonly asked questions

Q:   What is AFCAT Exam Pattern?

AFCAT exam pattern highlights the overall structure of the exam such as number of sections, weightage of topics, time duration, total marks, marking scheme, etc. AFCAT exam is divided into online test and AFSB interview. Besides AFCAT candidates who applies for the technical branch are required to appear for the Engineering Knowledge Test (EKT). AFCAT test comprises different sections such as General Awareness, Verbal Ability in English . Numerical Ability, Military Reasoning, and Aptitude test. EKT carries questions from Mechanical, Computer Science, and Electrical & Electronics. AFCAT carries a total of 100 questions whereas, EKT carries 50 questions. The total marks allotted to AFCAT are 300 whereas, EKT carries 150 marks. The duration of AFCAT exam is two hours whereas EKT is held for 45 minutes. Both AFCAT and EKT is held in online mode and the language of the question paper is English.
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Q:   What is AFCAT marking scheme?

AFCAT marking scheme is prescribed by the examination authority. The marking scheme highlights the marks that candidates score for correct answers and marks deducted for wrong answers. The total marks allotted to AFCAT exam are 300. AFCAT marking scheme is given below: For correct answers, candidates score three marks. For example: Reasoning section carries 35 questions and candidates have answered 20 questions correctly. They will score 60 marks For every wrong answer, one mark will be deducted. For example: Candidates have attempted 18 questions, out of which, 15 questions are correct and three questions are incorrect. The score of candidates will be 15x3-3=42. The examination authority does not deduct marks for unattempted questions.
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Q:   What is section-wise weightage in AFCAT exam?

AFCAT exam comprises sections such as General Awareness, Verbal Ability in English Numerical Ability, Military Reasoning, and Aptitude test. Out of the 100 questions, Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test carries 35 questions, Verbal ability in English carries 30 questions, Numerical Ability carries 15 questions, General Awareness carries 20 questions. The Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test section carries a total of 105 marks, Verbal ability in English carries a total of 90 marks, Numerical ability section carries a total of 45 marks, General Awareness section carries a total of 60 marks. Candidates can check below the section-wise weightage of AFCAT exam: Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test: 35 questions and 105 marks Logical Reasoning: 30 questions and 90 marks Numerical Ability: 15 questions and 45 marks General Awareness: 20 questions and 60 marks.
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Q:   How difficult is AFCAT exam?

It is not that difficult to crack AFCAT if candidates follow the right strategy for preparation. Before beginning with the preparation, candidates must go through the AFCAT syllabus because it will help them to know the topics to be covered for the exam. After completing the syllabus, candidates must attempt the mock tests to analyse the level of their preparation. The tips and tricks to prepare for the exam are given below: Gain complete knowledge about the syllabus and exam pattern Candidates need to solve the previous years' question papers to know the types of questions asked in the exam Candidates should be thorough with the Current Affairs Candidates should attempt mock tests Candidates must make a proper strategy for the exam based on the topics given in the syllabus
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AFCAT Previous Years' Question Papers

AFCAT previous years' question papers are the best resource to prepare for the exam. It helps candidates to know the type of questions asked in the exam. By practising the AFCAT previous years' question papers, candidates can improve their speed and accuracy of solving questions. They also learn time management skills. The benefits of solving AFCAT question papers are given below: 

  • Solving the question papers helps candidates to know the type of questions asked in the exam
  • By practising AFCAT question papers candidates can improve their question-solving ability
  • Candidates must analyse their performance after solving the question papers. They should work on rectifying their mistakes
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Commonly asked questions

Q:   Does AFCAT repeat questions?

There are very lesser chances of questions getting repeated from the AFCAT previous years' paper. However, candidates must practice the previous years' question papers to know the type of questions asked in the exam. Solving the question papers will help candidates to improve their question solving ability. AFCAT syllabus outlines the topics and sub-topics which candidates need to prepare for the exam. AFCAT syllabus carries questions from the topics- General Awareness, Verbal Ability in English Numerical Ability and Reasoning, and Military Aptitude Test. English section carries questions from Antonyms and Synonyms, English Grammar, Idioms and phrases, Comprehension, etc. Reasoning and Military Aptitude carries questions from Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning. Maths section carries questions from Decimals, Fractions, Profit & Loss, Average, Percentage, Ratio and Proportion, Speed, Time and Distance, etc.
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Q:   How many papers are there in the AFCAT exam?

There are only four papers in the AFCAT exam-General Awareness, Verbal Ability in English Numerical Ability and Reasoning, and Military Aptitude Test. AFCAT technical syllabus comprises topics from Mechanical, Computer Science, and Electrical & Electronics. Engineering Mathematics, Engineering Drawing & Physics are some of the common topics which are covered in AFCAT EKT syllabus. The standard of Numerical Ability questions is of Matriculation level. The standard of questions in other subjects is of graduation level (Indian University). The exam paper is in English only. The test paper carries a total of 100 questions whereas EKT carries a total of 50 questions. All the questions asked in the exam are objective-type. Total marks allotted to the AFCAT test are 300 whereas EKT carries a total of 150 marks.
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Q:   How can I prepare for AFCAT?

To prepare for AFCAT candidates must have a clear understanding of the syllabus and AFCAT exam pattern. Candidates should brush up on their basics and be clear with the concepts. Candidates must practice previous years question papers. They should solve mock tests to know how to attempt the exam. Candidates must also make a study routine and select the best books for the exam. Revision is the most important part of preparation. Therefore, candidates must revise the topics given in the syllabus properly. The section-wise tips and tricks to prepare for AFCAT exam are given below: English Language Questions in section are asked from Antonyms and Synonyms, English Grammar, Idioms and phrases, Comprehension, etc. Cover the topics by practising at least two passages daily as it helps candidates to work on their comprehension, vocabulary, grammar and phrases. Candidates must practice Antonyms, Synonyms, Misspelt words, idioms and phrases daily. Candidates must also refer to basic grammar books to understand the fundamentals. Reasoning Ability & Military Aptitude Questions are asked from Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning. From Verbal Reasoning, questions are asked from Analogy, Classification, Coding-Decoding, Logical Venn Diagrams, Puzzle Tests, Direction Sense Test. From Non Verbal Reasoning, questions are asked from Series, Analogy, Classification, Completion of incomplete pattern, Hidden figures, Papercutting and folding, Dot situations. To prepare this section, candidates understand the fundamental concepts of reasoning, logic, and basic aptitude. Candidates should be consistent with the practice. Numerical Ability Questions in this section are asked from Decimals, Fractions, Profit & Loss, Average, Percentage, Ratio and Proportion, Speed, Time & Distance, etc. Candidates should write down all the formula in one place so that it helps them during revision. They should work on the topics that have the more weightage. Candidates need to practice Maths daily. General Awareness Candidates must follow the latest news, sports and events. They should read newspapers and magazines to know the latest events.
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Q:   What are the important topics for the English Language section in the AFCAT exam?

The important topics for the English Language section of the AFCAT exam are Comprehension, Error Detection, Sentence Completion/ Filling in of Correct Word, Synonyms, Antonyms and Testing of Vocabulary, Idioms, and Phrases. Candidates can prepare the English Language section by reading newspapers, novels, magazines, etc. Thoroughly go through the prescribed AFCAT English syllabus Make sure that candidates have gone through the exam pattern Candidates must read newspapers and magazines Candidates must work on their grammar and vocabulary Candidates can refer to their high school English books to improve their grammar and vocabulary Candidates must practice mock tests to know the type of questions they can expect in the exam Candidates must also practice the sample papers or previous year question papers
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AFCAT Books 2025

Here is the list of AFCAT books that candidates can refer to for their preparation:

  • AFCAT Self-Study Guide cum Practice Work by Kiran Publication
  • The AFCAT Guide by Disha Publication
  • AFCAT (Air Force Common Admission Test) by Arihant Publication
  • AFCAT Exam Guide1st Edition for Flying and Technical Branch by R Gupta Publication
  • AFCAT Previous Year Papers and Practice Test Papers 
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Commonly asked questions

Q:   How the best books for AFCAT exam helps in preparation?

Reading the right books for AFCAT exam is one of the most important aspect of preparation. The best books enhance the knowledge of candidates regarding the chapters given in the syllabus. Candidates can clear the concepts of each and every topic by reading the best books for AFCAT exam. The best books also help candidates in building the writing skills. It helps in building the vocabulary and become more articulate and effective communicator. The ability to concentrate and focus for long periods is an essential part of preparation. Reading the best books for AFCAT exam will help candidates to focus on important chapters and topics.
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Q:   What are the best ways to prepare for the AFCAT?

Preparation Tips: 1- Understand the Syllabus of the Exam. 2- Know the Exam Pattern. 3- Practice the Previous Year's Question Papers. 4- Attempt Mock Tests. 5- Make a Proper Routine. 6- Select the Best Materials/Books. 7- Prefer Online Material and Courses. 8- Keep Revision/Practicing. Exam pattern for AFCAT: Mode of Exam: Online No. Of Questions: 100 Duration of Exam: 2 hours (120 minutes) Maximum Marks: 300 Sections in Paper: General Awareness, Numerical Ability and Reasoning, Verbal Ability in English and Military Aptitude Test. Negative Marking: 1 mark Books: 1- General Awareness General Knowledge: Lucent Manorama Yearbook: Malayala Manorama Group From Plinth to Paramount: KD Publication 2- Verbal Ability Objective General English Dr. RS Aggarwal Verbal Reasoning: Bhupendra Kumar Singh 3- Numerical Ability Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations: RS Aggarwal/ S Hand Publishing; Objective Arithmetic: S Hand Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation: Odisha Publication 4- Reasoning and Military Aptitude Quantitative Aptitude: S. Hand Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams: McGraw-Hill Education 5- AFCAT Overall Preparation Books AFCAT - For Flying, Technical, and Ground Duty Branch by Arihant Experts AFCAT (Air Force Common Admission Test) Exam Guide: For Flying and Technical Branch (Popular Master Guide) by R. Gupta Let's Crack AFCAT Air Force Common Admission Test by SSBCrack AFCAT Topic Wise Solved Papers (2011-2019) by Odisha Experts AFCAT- The First Step Book by Defence Direct Education I hope this will help you.
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Q:   Which are the best books for AFCAT English section?

Scoring the highest marks in English section is no less than a cakewalk if candidates have strong hold over grammar, comprehension and vocabulary. Questions in this section are asked from Comprehension, Error Detection in Sentence, Sentence Completion/ Fill in the correct word, Cloze Test / Fill in the blanks in a paragraph, Synonym/ Antonym, Idioms and Phrases, Sentence Rearranging, Analogy, Substitution in a Sentence/ One Word Substitution. These are some of the best AFCAT English books for preparation. Candidates can refer to these books and ace the exam. Verbal Reasoning by Bhupendra Kumar Singh Objective General English by Dr. RS. Aggarwal.
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Q:   How to choose the best books for AFCAT preparation?

Candidates can study for AFCAT exam by understanding the fundamental principles, reviewing the exam pattern and syllabus, referring to the best books. Studying through best books for AFCAT exam help candidates in covering the entire syllabus in a detailed manner which in turn increases the chances of scoring high marks. The process to choose the best books for AFCAT exam are given below: Candidates must check the year of publication of books. It is advised to choose the latest edition of books Candidates should choose AFCAT books that are simple to read and written in a language that are easy to comprehend Candidates must choose the best books for AFCAT exam written by well-known writers Candidates should look for AFCAT books that include practice questions and mock tests.
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How to Prepare for AFCAT 2025?

Some useful tips and tricks to crack AFCAT 2025 exam are given below:

  • A thorough understanding of AFCAT syllabus and exam pattern is of utmost importance since it will help candidates to know the structure of the exam as well the important topics to cover for the exam
  • Candidates must solve previous years' question papers to know the type of questions asked in the exam
  • Candidates must attempt mock tests to improve speed and accuracy
  • Candidates must be thorough with the current affairs by reading newspapers

Candidates can check below the tips and tricks to crack AFCAT exam by experts.

Also Read: AFCAT Preparation Tips

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Commonly asked questions

Q:   What are the best ways to prepare for the AFCAT?

Preparation Tips: 1- Understand the Syllabus of the Exam. 2- Know the Exam Pattern. 3- Practice the Previous Year's Question Papers. 4- Attempt Mock Tests. 5- Make a Proper Routine. 6- Select the Best Materials/Books. 7- Prefer Online Material and Courses. 8- Keep Revision/Practicing. Exam pattern for AFCAT: Mode of Exam: Online No. Of Questions: 100 Duration of Exam: 2 hours (120 minutes) Maximum Marks: 300 Sections in Paper: General Awareness, Numerical Ability and Reasoning, Verbal Ability in English and Military Aptitude Test. Negative Marking: 1 mark Books: 1- General Awareness General Knowledge: Lucent Manorama Yearbook: Malayala Manorama Group From Plinth to Paramount: KD Publication 2- Verbal Ability Objective General English Dr. RS Aggarwal Verbal Reasoning: Bhupendra Kumar Singh 3- Numerical Ability Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations: RS Aggarwal/ S Hand Publishing; Objective Arithmetic: S Hand Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation: Odisha Publication 4- Reasoning and Military Aptitude Quantitative Aptitude: S. Hand Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams: McGraw-Hill Education 5- AFCAT Overall Preparation Books AFCAT - For Flying, Technical, and Ground Duty Branch by Arihant Experts AFCAT (Air Force Common Admission Test) Exam Guide: For Flying and Technical Branch (Popular Master Guide) by R. Gupta Let's Crack AFCAT Air Force Common Admission Test by SSBCrack AFCAT Topic Wise Solved Papers (2011-2019) by Odisha Experts AFCAT- The First Step Book by Defence Direct Education I hope this will help you.
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Q:   Who sets the AFCAT syllabus?


AFCAT syllabus is prescribed by the Indian Air Force. The examination authority reserves the right to set and make changes in the syllabus. AFCAT Test Syllabus comprises General Awareness, Verbal Ability in English, Quantitative Ability, Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test. The standard of questions in other subjects except mathematics will be of graduation level. EKT syllabus comprises topics from Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering. AFCAT exam is conducted by the Indian Air Force to recruit personnel to various posts in the Air Force. The examination for AFCAT is conducted twice a year in June and December, respectively

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Q:   Do marks scored in AFCAT matter in AFSB and after that?

Yes, the marks scored by you on the written test as well as the total marks scored in SSB (Services Selection Board) are summed up and considered during the merit list. Air Force Common Admission Test AFCAT scores and Air Force Selection Board (AFSB) interviews are two of the major factors that are considered while curating the final merit list. It is advised to get a good Air Force Common Admission Test score as it increases the chances of finding a spot on the merit list.
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Q:   How difficult is AFCAT exam?

It is not that difficult to crack AFCAT if candidates follow the right strategy for preparation. Before beginning with the preparation, candidates must go through the AFCAT syllabus because it will help them to know the topics to be covered for the exam. After completing the syllabus, candidates must attempt the mock tests to analyse the level of their preparation. The tips and tricks to prepare for the exam are given below: Gain complete knowledge about the syllabus and exam pattern Candidates need to solve the previous years' question papers to know the types of questions asked in the exam Candidates should be thorough with the Current Affairs Candidates should attempt mock tests Candidates must make a proper strategy for the exam based on the topics given in the syllabus
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AFCAT Syllabus 2025 FAQs

Candidates can check below the FAQs related to AFCAT syllabus.

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Commonly asked questions

Q:   What is AFCAT syllabus for Computer Science?


AFCAT syllabus for Computer Science is given below:

Fundamental Engineering: 

  • Engineering Physics
  • Engineering Mathematics
  • Engineering Drawing

Specialised branch topics:

  • Information Technology
  • Network Theory Design
  • Analog and Digital Electronics
  • Computer Networks
  • Switching Theory
  • Electronic Devices

Allied Engineering Topics:

  • Control Engineering
  • Telecommunication Systems
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Radar Theory
  • Instrumentation
  • Antenna and Wave Propagation
  • Microwave Engineering
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Q:   Is AFCAT exam easy to crack?

It is easy to crack the AFCAT exam if candidates have the proper understanding of exam pattern and syllabus. Candidates solve the previous years' question papers and take mock tests to know the important topics for the exam. Candidates must work on improving the weak areas at the same they should strengthen their strong areas. The tips and tricks to crack AFCAT exam easily are given below: Candidates need to understand the syllabus thoroughly. They should go through each and every topics given in the syllabus Candidates must know the exam pattern to understand the structure of the exam Candidates must practice previous year question papers to know the types of questions asked in the exam Candidates must solve mock test as it familarises them with the actual test Candidates must select the best books for the exam
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Q:   What is AFCAT syllabus for Electrical & Electronics Engineering?


AFCAT syllabus for Electrical and Electronics Engineering is given below:

Fundamental Engineering syllabus

  • Engineering Physics
  • Engineering Mathematics
  • Engineering Drawing

Specialised Branch topics

  • Microwave Engineering
  • Analog and Digital Electronics
  • Electronic Devices
  • Telecommunication Systems
  • Microwave Engineering
  • Control Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering

Allied Engineering Topics

  • Switching Theory
  • Computer Networks
  • Radar Theory
  • Network Theory Design
  • Instrumentation
  • Information Technology
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Q:   What topics are covered in the AFCAT syllabus?


The AFCAT syllabus covers a wide range of topics including English grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension, general knowledge on history, geography, politics, and culture, and mathematics, including algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. The syllabus of AFCAT is given below:



Comprehension,  Error Detection,  Antonyms and Testing of Vocabulary, Idioms and Phrases, Synonyms

General Knowledge

History, Civics, Geography, Politics, Art, Culture, Sports, Defence, Basic Science, Environment, Current Affairs

Reasoning and Military Aptitude

Spatial Ability, Verbal Ability, Simple Interest Time and Distance, Ratio and Proportion, etc.

Numerical Ability

Time and Work, Decimal Fraction, Profit and Loss,  Percentage, etc.

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chatAnything you would want to ask experts?
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Answered 3 weeks ago

Yes, you can write the AFCAT (Air Force Common Admission Test) after completing your engineering, but only if you have a full-fledged engineering degree (B.E./B.Tech). AFCAT eligibility for technical branches requires a minimum of 60% in a bachelor's degree in engineering. A Diploma alone doesn't qu

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Mohit Sharma

Contributor-Level 6

Answered a month ago

Scoring above the cut off is esstential as it qualifies you for the next stage of the selection process, which is the AFSB interview. However, merely clearing the cutoff does not guarantee selection; a higher score can improve your chances of advancing in the merit list.


Bhumika Lama

Beginner-Level 4

Answered a month ago

AFCAT score is a crucial initial screening criterion. Alongside the AFCAT score, factors like performance in the AFSB interview, medical fitness, educational qualifications, and available vacancies determine your final position in the merit list.


Indrani Thakur

Beginner-Level 4

Answered a month ago

Achieving a good score in AFCAT is important because it increases your chances of qualifying for the AFSB interview. The scores enhances your position in the merit list. This improves the likelihood of selection. This boosts your confidence for subsequent selection stages.


Chanchal Jain

Beginner-Level 4

Answered 2 months ago

To be eligible for the AFCAT (Air Force Common Admission Test), you need to meet specific academic criteria based on the branch you are applying for:

For Flying Branch:

  1. You must have scored at least 50% marks each in Mathematics and Physics in 10+2.
  2. You should also have a bachelor's degree (minimum 3 y

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Rupesh Katariya

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 months ago

Candidates can calculate the probable scores using the AFCAT answer key in the following way:

  • For correct answers, candidates score three marks
  • One mark is deducted for every incorrect answer
  • No marks are allotted to unattempted questions


Raushan Pradhan

Beginner-Level 4

Answered 2 months ago

Candidates can choose the best books for AFCAT exam in the following way:

  • Check the publishing year of the AFCAT books. Students must select the latest edition of books.
  • Choose books that are easy to read.
  • Select AFCAT books that are written in a simple language where students can understand the concep

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Bhumika Lama

Beginner-Level 4

Answered 2 months ago

AFCAT 1 2024 vacancy break-up is given below.

Entry TypePost CodeMaleFemaleTotal






AFCAT Ground Duty Technical

AE (L)




AE (M)




AFCAT Ground Duty Non Technical













Ground Duty Non Technical





Ground Duty Non Technical

Weapon Systems WS Branch




Meteorology Entry





NCC Special Entry


10%  seats  out  of  CDSE vacancies  for  PC  and  10% seats   out   of   AFCAT vacancies for SSC.


Anangsha Patra

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 months ago

AFCAT 2 2024 vacancy break-up is given below.

Entry TypePost CodeMaleFemale





AFCAT Ground Duty Technical

AE (L)



AE (M)



AFCAT Ground Duty Non Technical










Ground Duty Non Technical




Ground Duty Non Technical

Weapon Systems WS Branch



Meteorology Entry




NCC Special Entry


  • 10%  seats  out  of  CDSE vacancies  for  PC  and  10% seats   out   of   AFCAT vacancies for SSC.


Anangsha Patra

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 months ago

AFCAT 1 vacancy break-up is given below:

Entry TypePost CodeMaleFemale





AFCAT Ground Duty Technical

AE (L)



AE (M)



AFCAT Ground Duty Non Technical










Ground Duty Non Technical




Ground Duty Non Technical

Weapon Systems WS Branch



Meteorology Entry




NCC Special Entry


  • 10%  seats  out  of  CDSE vacancies  for  PC  and  10% seats   out   of   AFCAT vacancies for SSC.


Anangsha Patra

Contributor-Level 10

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