MAT Mock Test 2025: Get Free Online Test Series for Practice

Management Aptitude Test 2024 ( MAT )

DeskCalelnderRegistration - 24 Dec '24 - 2 Mar '25

Vipra Shrivastava
Updated on Jan 22, 2025 14:34 IST

By Vipra Shrivastava, Senior Manager - Content

MAT mock test practice is an important aspect of exam preparation. Candidates must practice online MAT mock tests in the final stage for preparation (atleast from one month before). AIMA provides MAT mock tests for aspirants free of cost on its official website. However, it is accessible to registered candidates only. Registered candidates can take the official MAT mock test to familiarise themselves with the exam interface and structure of the test form.

Shiksha also provides free MAT mock tests for practice, links of which, are mentioned further below on this page. Candidates planning to appear for MAT 2025 exam must practice a good number of mock tests to solve questions quickly and accurately in this time-bound exam.

Q:   What is the difficulty level of MAT exam?


MAT is one of the easier MBA entrance exam. The difficulty level of the exam much easier than CAT XAT or CMAT. Candidates usually prepare for CAT XAT and CMAT and use that experience to give the MAT exam. Even though the MAT has more questions than XAT CAT CMAT. It is easier because the questions of all the five sections include:

  • Mathematical Skills
  • Language Comprehension
  • Intelligence and Critical Reasoning
  • Data Analysis and Sufficiency
  • Indian and Global Environment

These are easy and straightforward. There are less Reading Comprehension passages of shorter length and are easy to comprehend. Since, the Indian and Global Environment scores are not taken into consideration for MAT percentile calculation, candidates find it easier to crack MAT in 2.5 hours with high scores.

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Q:   What are the important topics of MAT exam?


MAT exam has five important sections - Mathematical Skills, Language Comprehension, Intelligence and Critical Reasoning, Data Analysis and Sufficiency, Mathematical Skills and Indian and Global Environment. Each section carries 40 questions each. Given below are the important topics from which questions are asked in MAT. 

  • Language Comprehension - Verb, Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Adverb, Antonyms and Synonyms, Reading Comprehension, Parts of Speech, One Word Substitution, Vocabulary, Sentence Correction, Idioms/Phrases, Grammar, Fill the Blanks, Para Jumbles and Verbal Ability.
  • Intelligence and Critical Reasoning - Family Tree, Strong Arguments and Weak Arguments, Multi-Dimensional Arrangements, Course of Action, Puzzles, Visual Reasoning, Arrangement, Series, Numeric Grid, Pie Chart, Blood Relations, Critical Reasoning, Calendars, Coding and Decoding, Syllogisms, Statement Conclusions, Column Graphs and Graphs Representing Area.
  • Data Analysis and Sufficiency - Tables, Pie Charts, Caselet-based Data Charts, Graphs - Line X-Y Graphs, Venn Diagram, Bar Diagrams, Data Analysis and Data Comparison and Data Sufficiency Mathematical Skills- LCM and HCF, Commercial Maths Complex Numbers, Percentages, Permutation and Combinations, Binomial Theorem, and more.
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Q:   Is the question paper of MAT IBT different from MAT CBT or PBT?

No, the question paper of MAT IBT is not different from MAT CBT or PBT. The test pattern, time duration, question type and marking scheme are the same for all three modes. Candidates can choose to appear for any exam mode with the worry of doing exam specific preparation. The only difference between MAT IBT and MAT CBT or PBT is that MAT IBT is a remote proctored exam and can be taken from any location unlike MAT CBT or PBT which are held at designated exam centres. The MAT question paper of every session however is different. All the 200 questions of each question paper is unique. The difficulty level is the same- easy to moderate but since the questions are different from each other candidates can feel slight difference in the difficulty level. The questions for every session are chosen randomly so in one session the paper can be overall easy while in another session the exam can be slightly difficult.
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Q:   What is the total number of questions in MAT exam?


MAT exam has 150 multiple-choice questions equally divided into five sections - Language Comprehension, Intelligence and Critical Reasoning, Data Analysis and Sufficiency, Mathematical Skills and Indian and Global Environment. Each section of the exam has 30 questions. The questions are in MCQ format with four options to choose the correct options from. Given below is the sectional break up of MAT question paper. All three modes of exam have the same weightage. 

Language Comprehension: 30 questions 

Intelligence and Critical Reasoning: 30 questions 

Data Analysis and Sufficiency: 30 questions 

Mathematical Skills: 30 questions 

Indian and Global Environment: 30 questions 

Since there is no sectional time limit in MAT candidates can divide time between all the five sections according to their own exam strategy and target score. The score of Indian and Global Environment section is not taken into consideration for percentile calculation, thus candidates should not spend more than 10-15 minutes on it.

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Table of content
  • Free MAT Mock Test by Shiksha
  • How to Take Official MAT Mock Test?
  • MAT Mock Tests 2025: Key Tips and Guidelines
  • FAQs on MAT Mock Test
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Free MAT Mock Test by Shiksha

By solving the official mock tests, candidates get to know the MAT exam pattern, test flow and the type of questions asked. But the most important benefit of practicing MAT mock tests is that it helps candidates in developing time management skills as well as speed and accuracy in solving the MAT questions. MAT is a speed based exam and has no sectional time limit, so one needs to develop their own time management strategy which is possible only with MAT mock test series practice. 

Shiksha has created free mock tests for MAT aspirants. These mock tests are based on the actual MAT exam paper and the difficulty level is the same so that you can get the experience of the actual exam. Attempt these mocks to know your control on the important topics of MAT. Click on the link below to start the MAT mock test:

MAT Mock Test 1 MAT Mock Test 1 Solutions
MAT Mock Test 2 MAT Mock Test 2 Solutions

After completing the these free MAT mock tests, do analyse your score and performance to understand what to do next, which topic to focus on and how to improve scores further. Once you know the problem areas, go back to them and study again. You can seek help of a guide or online forums too. 

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Commonly asked questions

Q:   What are the best books for MAT Mathematical Skills?

The Mathematical Skills section of MAT carries 40 questions and which belong to Arithmetic, Geometry, Mensuration Algebra and Number System. To crack this section of MAT one needs study all the topics included five Mathematical sub sections. To prepare for these topics, CAT Quantitative Aptitude books are useful. Candidates can also refer to MAT specific books. Mathematics for MBA by RS Aggarwal Magical Book on Quicker Maths by M Tyra Arithmetic and Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams by R Goal Speed Mathematics: Do it quick, Do it right by Rajesh Kumar Thakur Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams by RS Aggarwal Vedic Mathematics: Secrets Skills for Quick, Accurate Mental Calculations by Sumita Bose The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude by Dinesh Khattar How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude by Arun Sharma.
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Q:   What are the best books for MAT Language Comprehension?

MAT Language Comprehension section has equal weightage of verbal ability and reading comprehension. Candidates need to work on their English grammar and comprehension to crack this section Given below is the list of books for MAT Data Analysis and Sufficiency: Verbal Ability and Comprehension for MBA Exams by Odisha Publications Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension by Nishit K Sinha Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis Verbal Ability and Comprehension by Odisha Publication Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension by Gautam Puri How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT by Arun Sharma and Meenakshi Upadhyay Verbal Ability & Comprehension for CAT/XAT/GMAT/IIFT/CMAT/MAT/Bank PO/SSC by Bharat Patodi and Aditya Choudhary English Comprehension for MAT by Odisha Experts English Reading Comprehension by RPH Editorial Board Proficiency in Reading Comprehension Simplifying the Passage for You by Ajay Singh Reading Comprehension Ordering of Words Ordering of Sentences by Dilip Kushwaha.
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Q:   Which are the best books for MAT Intelligence and Critical Reasoning?

MAT Intelligence and Critical section is a moderately difficult section. Candidates need to prepare for this section in 2-3 months by preparing from the following books. These books are recommended by MBA experts: A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning by RS Aggarwal Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning by Gajendra Kumar Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT by Nishit K Sinha How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for the CAT by Arun Sharma Critical Reasoning Guide by Crackverbal General Intelligence and Critical Reasoning for MAT by Odisha Experts Koncept of Logical Reasoning by Gajendra Kumar Analytical & Logical Reasoning for CAT & Other Management Entrance Tests by Peeyush Bhardwaj.
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How to Take Official MAT Mock Test?

MAT exam is a speed based test, thus it is essential to practice mock tests. Candidates must also attempt the official MAT mock tests, so that they are well aware of the test form and exam environment. To attempt the official MAT mock test candidates have to first register for the exam as the mock test is available through login only. Aspirants can take the official mock test after registering for MAT 2025 and paying the requisite fees. Given below are the steps to follow:

  • Visit the official AIMA-MAT website:
  • Enter registered email ID and password
  • Click on 'Login' to go to your dashboard
  • Select mock test from the options and start solving the questions

The mock test form will be exactly the same as actual exam. Guidelines, timer, questions - every thing will be like an actual MAT exam. Scores of the MAT mock test will be displayed after you complete it. The MAT mock test scores will be for reference purpose only and will have no influence on the main exam score or admission process.

Knowing the mock test score will help you in assessing your strengths and weaknesses. By solving the MAT mock test, you will also understand the official exam pattern before the exam and will be able to navigate the test form better on exam day. 

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Commonly asked questions

Q:   How many MAT mock test should I practice?

Although MAT is an easier exam practice of mock tests is an essential part of preparation for this exam as well. Since MAT is also a speed based test which requires solving of 200 questions in 2.5 hours, one need to have good speed of solving questions from topics of Data Interpretation, Critical Reasoning, Mathematical Skills, Language Comprehension and Indian and Global Environment. Mock Test is the best source to improve speed and accuracy and aspirants must practice about 20-30 mock tests during their preparation phase. They should also analyse their performance per mock test so that they know their progress viz. Their strong and weak areas. At the same time, candidates need to keep in mind that they must keep in mind that they don't over do it. If they start to score 90 plus percentile in the MAT mock test they should stop at that and do revision.
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Q:   What is the marking scheme of MAT exam?


Total marks of MAT exam is 150. Every question carries one mark for correct attempt and there is negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer. No marks is deducted for skipping questions. The MAT question paper has 150 questions equally divided into five sections - Language Comprehension, Intelligence & Critical Reasoning, Data Analysis & Data Sufficiency, Mathematical Skills and Indian & Global Environment.

Language Comprehension: 30 questions 

2. Intelligence & Critical Reasoning: 30 questions 

3. Data Analysis & Data Sufficiency: 30 questions 

4. Mathematical Skills: 30 questions 

5. Indian & Global Environment: 30 questions 

Every section therefore has 30 questions which means every section carries 30 marks. The scores of GK section is not considered for MAT percentile calculation. So candidates can keep GK section as their last priority.

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Q:   What can I expect in MAT mock test?

MAT Mock Test is a replica of the actual exam for candidates to have an experience of the test beforehand. It carries 200 MCQs with solutions to be solved within 2.5 hours. The correct options and total scores are given at the end of the MAT mock test. Practicing MAT mock test will help the aspirant in learning the test structure and pattern of the exam. It also helps in increasing speed of solving questions. A full-length MAT mock test contains 200 questions with solutions, that are divided among the five section. Each of the five sections of the mock test have 40 questions with 4 options to choose the correct option from. The sectional MAT mock test contains 40 questions with solutions. The score is presented to the candidate onscreen immediately after completing the MAT mock test. You can evaluate your performance and preparation level based on the score displayed at the end of the MAT mock test.
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MAT Mock Tests 2025: Key Tips and Guidelines

For a complete MAT exam preparation, candidates must not depend only on the official MAT mock test but should also practice unofficial MAT mock tests series and MAT sample papers that are available online. In the last month of your MAT 2025 preparation, practice as many mock test as you can. Given below are a few tips to practice MAT mock test:

  • Start with easy MAT mock tests. First gain confidence in handling an online test and then move to medium difficulty level tests.
  • Practice mock tests and sample questions multiple times to gain Speed as well as accuracy. Remember that accuracy is critical in MAT.
  • There is no sectional time limit in MAT exam, so you need to have control on the timer yourself, so that you're able to solve a good number of questions in every section. Practicing MAT mock test will help you time yourself for each section.
  • With each new MAT mock test, step up the diffiulty level. This will help in assessing improvement in your performance. If not, then you can change your preparation strategy and revise the topics that you are not able to crack yet.
  • Analyse your performance after every MAT mock test. This will help you to understand the problem areas so that you can allot extra time for working on it.
  • Learn from every MAT mock. Note down the learnings and work upon them. The aim is to improve your performance with every consecutive attempt.
  • Stick to the time duration of the MAT mock test. The purpose of solving mock tests is mainly to increase the speed in solving the questions so that you don’t face time crunch in the actual MAT exam.
  • Start practicing MAT mock tests series only after you’ve completed the MAT syllabus. Practicing questions without understanding the concepts will get you incorrect result.
  • Practice about 20-30 MAT mock tests during your entire exam preparation journey. This is an average count. However, you can increase or decrease the number as per your preparation level and confidence.
  • Practice at least one mock test every alternate day in the last leg of your MAT exam preparation 2025. This is important to keep the momentum going until the exam day.
  • Do not get bogged down by low scores in MAT mock tests, your performance will improve as you'll solve more and more of them. 
  • Once you've started scoring consistently good in MAT mock test, slow down. Keep the confidence high till the exam day. 
  • Note down the topics which are still your pain areas. Keep away from those in the MAT exam to avoid wastage of time and negative marking.
  • Practice only one MAT mock test in the last week before your exam session. 
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FAQs on MAT Mock Test

Check below Frequenty Asked Questions (FAQs) related to MAT mock test:

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Commonly asked questions

Q:   Can I appear for MAT from home?

Yes, candidates can appear for MAT exam from home. For that, they need to opt for the Internet Based Test or IBT mode option in the MAT application form. In IBT mode, candidates can appear for the test from home or any location by using a laptop or desktop with a functional webcam and internet connection. Given below are some guidelines for MAT IBT: The candidates must have a stable internet connection with proper speed throughout the exam duration A proxy for this is if they can login into their email accounts without difficulty. Upload Speed: Minimum speed should be 512 kbps Browser to use are: Chrome version 63 and above and Firefox version 52 and above Operating system to use are: WindowsOS (Version7 and above) Dot NETframework: MSB requires dot net framework. The minimum supported version is 4.5.1. NETframework Memory: 65MB permanent free space on the default hard drive.
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Q:   Which section of MAT exam has maximum weightage?


Each section of MAT exam has equal weightage. All the five sections - Language Comprehension, Intelligence and Critical Reasoning, Data Analysis and Data Sufficiency, Mathematical Skills and Indian & Global Environment have 30 questions. Each question carries one mark thus the section wise weightage of marks is 30 per section. There is negative marking of 0.25 in MAT. Since, every section has equal weightage, you need to prepare well for each one of them for a good overall score. Even in the exam, spend a good amount of time on each section and solve a minimum number of questions to meet the sectional cut off. Since, there is no sectional time-limit in MAT exam. Candidates can decide themselves how much time they should spend on which section as one needs to score well in all sections because of equal weightage. Out of 2 hours or 120 minutes, candidates should allot maximum time to the section they find tough or are calculation intensive. It is advisable to attempt the easier sections first and then move to tougher sections.

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Q:   What is the marking scheme of MAT exam?


Total marks of MAT exam is 150. Every question carries one mark for correct attempt and there is negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer. No marks is deducted for skipping questions. The MAT question paper has 150 questions equally divided into five sections - Language Comprehension, Intelligence & Critical Reasoning, Data Analysis & Data Sufficiency, Mathematical Skills and Indian & Global Environment.

Language Comprehension: 30 questions 

2. Intelligence & Critical Reasoning: 30 questions 

3. Data Analysis & Data Sufficiency: 30 questions 

4. Mathematical Skills: 30 questions 

5. Indian & Global Environment: 30 questions 

Every section therefore has 30 questions which means every section carries 30 marks. The scores of GK section is not considered for MAT percentile calculation. So candidates can keep GK section as their last priority.

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Q:   What is the difference between CBT and PBT modes of MAT exam?

The CBT or computer based mode MAT exam is conducted online in which, candidates have to punch in their answers on the computer screen with the help of the mouse-pad. In PBT mode exam, candidates have to fill an OMR sheet with a blue/black ball point pen with the suitable option as the answer. These days most of the candidates opt for CBT which is way it is conducted twice in a particular exam phase. PBT is conducted only once in MAT exam phase. There is no difference in the exam pattern or syllabus of the MAT CBT and MAT PBT. Candidates can choose the mode of exam at the time of registration as per their convenience. If a candidate is comfortable in pen and paper mode, then they can opt for MAT PBT and if the candidate is comfortable in taking tests on computer, they can opt for MAT CBT. However, the CBT and PBT exams are held in different cities so candidates must check the list of test cities before choosing their exam mode.
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Q:   What is the exam mode of MAT?

MAT exam is conducted in three modes - Paper Based Test or PBT in which candidates have to report to a test centre to take the test. They have to fill an OMR answer sheet with a blue/black ball point pen in the PBT mode exam. The PBT mode is conducted only once in every MAT phase as the number of applicants is least for PBT. In the Computer Based Test or CBT, candidates have to take the test at designated exam centre on a computer system. Candidates have to fill in their answers in an online test page with the help of computer mouse. They can choose only one of the four given options as answer. In the Internet Based Test or IBT, candidates have to take the test on a computer system at home or any preferred location. The test structure is same as CBT but the candidates are monitored in remote proctored mode. Since MAT exam is conducted multiple times in a year during February, May, September and December, one can take the exam in more than one mode. Candidate can also take the test any number of times. The score of the latest MAT attempt will be taken into consideration for admission.
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Q:   Is the MAT IBT mode exam pattern different from CBT and PBT exams?


No. The exam pattern of MAT IBT is not different from CBT or PBT. In fact, the MAT exam pattern of all test modes is the same. The duration of MAT exam (PBT, CBT and IBT modes) is 2 hours or 120 minutes. The marking scheme is - plus one for correct attempt and minus 0.25 for incorrect attempt. There is no sectional time limit in MAT so candidates can utilise the 2 hours as per their own strategy. They should ideally, spend 25 minutes each on the top four sections and 15 minutes on the GK section. However, there may be slight difference in difficulty level because the questions in each MAT session are unique. No question is repeated in any session across CBT, PBT or IBT. This is to prevent any candidate from getting advantage or facing disadvantage due to leaking of the questions or in case of a candidates re-attempting the exam.

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Answered 18 hours ago

If you expect a 20-50% percentile in MAT, your best college options would likely include private universities like Amity University, LPU (Lovely Professional University), Jaipuria Institute of Management, and some smaller regional business schools, as they tend to have lower cut-offs for MAT scores;

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Beginner-Level 5

Answered Yesterday

Through the BVP B-MAT result, the candidates will be able to check personal and examination-related details. Some of the important details present in the BVP B-MAT result are the candidate's name, date of birth, registration number, roll number, obtained rank, scores and more. All of the present det

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Shiksha Garg

Beginner-Level 4

Answered Yesterday

Yes. Candidates will be able to download the BVP B-MAT result in the form of a scorecard. To access the BVP B-MAT scorecard, the candidates will have to click on the link available online at and log in using their roll number and password. Once logged in, the candidates will be a

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Jasleen Shukla

Beginner-Level 4

Answered Yesterday

To access the BVP B-MAT result, the candidates will have to log in using their roll number and password. The official result link will be available at Candidates will have to use the required log in credentials to access the result of BVP B-MAT. No other mode will be used by the

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Saakshi Varsha Lama

Contributor-Level 10

Answered Yesterday

Yes, the BVP B-MAT result will be released online. Candidates will be able to access the BVP B-MAT result at the official website No other mode will be used to announce the result. To download the BVP B-MAT scorecard, the candidates will have to log in using the required credent

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Nishtha Panda

Beginner-Level 4

Answered 2 days ago

MAT RC passages are easier than CAT RC passages. They are shorter in length and easy to understand. Candidates preparing for MAT, must practice MAT RC passages in good number as even though the passages are short, one will still need speed to read them in a limited time and note down the important p

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Nishtha Shukla

Beginner-Level 4

Answered 2 days ago

There are usually 4 Reading Comprehension passages in MAT exam. The passages are easy to read and have questions with direct answers. The passages are usually taken from Economy, Environment, Science & Technology, Culture, Society, Business & Management, Current Affairs, History, Philosophy and Abst

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Anya B

Beginner-Level 3

Answered 2 days ago

No marks are deducted for skipping a question in MAT exam. If you do not attempt a question, you will be marked 0 for it. There is negative marking in MAT for wrong attempts, so candidates must rather skip the question than make guess work. It is not mandatory to attempt all the questions in MAT, so

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Aarushi Hazarika

Beginner-Level 4

Answered 2 days ago

For every incorrect attempt, 0.25 marks are deducted in MAT. The negative marking is applicable to all exam modes – CBT/PBT/IBT and all five sections. Candidates while appearing for the MAT, must keep in mind the negative marking and not attempt questions that they are not sure of. It is better to

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Vipra Shrivastava

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 days ago

The difficulty level of MAT IBT, CBT and PBT is same – easy to moderate. Even though the set of questions are different in each test form, the examination authority maintains same difficulty level, so that no candidate has any advantage or disadvantage over others due to difference in exam mode. Thu

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Anyam Kalra

Beginner-Level 3

1439 Institutes accepting MAT

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    LPU - Lovely Professional University

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    LPU - Love
    • ₹ 8.00 Lakh
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    Christ University

    Hosur Road, Bangalore • Private

    Christ Uni
      • 2 years
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      • ₹ 15.75 Lakh
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