MDU Result 2019 declared for BA, BSc December exams, here's how to check

MDU Result 2019 declared for BA, BSc December exams, here's how to check

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Anum Ansari
Assistant Manager – Content
New Delhi, Updated on Jan 29, 2020 11:50 IST

The MDU has officially announced the BA, BSc, and BPEd Dec 2019 examination on its official website. 

Maharshi Dayanand University (MDU), Rohtak has declared MDU Result 2019 for BA, BSc December examination. The university has officially announced the results for BA & BSc (Pass Course) 1st-semester normal chance exam, BPEd & CPEd all semester normal chance exam, and special/mercy examination on its website i.e. Students who appeared for the BSc, BA, BPEd examinations held in December 2019 can check their results on MDU’s official web portal.

This time, MDU Rohtak has declared MDU Result 2019 in the form of ‘text files’. The university has not made a webpage where the students have to enter their login credentials, name, or roll number. The Maharshi Dayanand University has uploaded the result files on the website’s result section as ‘Result Gazzate’. The text files contain the name and roll number of the students who appeared for BA, BSc and BPEd Dec 2019 examination. In order to check their result, students need to use the search function. Students are advised to check their score by searching their name or roll number on the text file.

MDU BA / BSc Result 2019: How to check

To check their MDU result 2019, students are advised to follow the steps mentioned below:

Step 1: Visit MDU’s official website i.e.

Step 2: Go to the result section

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Step 3: Click on the link that says ‘MDU Result Gazette’

Step 4: Click on the link of course/ programme you want to check the result of

Step 5: A text file containing results of all the students enrolled under that programme will appear

Step 6: Search your name or roll number using the search function i.e. Ctrl + F

Step 7: Save your score for future reference

Students must note that the result available in the form of a text file on the university’s official website is just for information purposes. It is mandatory for all students to collect their original mark sheets and related document from the University’s administration office.

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Anum Ansari
Assistant Manager – Content

"Writing is not about accurate grammar, it's about the honest thoughts you put in it". Having a versatile writing style, Anum loves to express her views and opinion on different topics such as education, entertainme... Read Full Bio





3 years ago

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