List of IGNOU Courses in Distance Education

What better university than IGNOU for a distance learning programme in India? Check out this list of programmes they offer.
IGNOU: Highlights
Some key details about India's largest open university are provided in the table below.
Particulars |
Details |
Establishment Year | Ownership |
1985 | Government |
Also known as |
Indira Gandhi National Open University |
No. of schools |
20+ |
No. of regional centres |
65+ |
No. of learner support centres |
2,667 |
No. of courses offered |
200+ |
Type of scholarships offered |
Category-based, Need-based |
Faculty members |
800+ |
Mode of study | Application mode |
Distance | Online |
IGNOU official website | |
Benefits of IGNOU Courses
The advantages of getting your education from an open university like IGNOU are listed below -
- Distance learning courses at IGNOU cost way less than the courses offered at regular universities.
- If you have other responsibilities like a full-time job or a family to care for, distance education provides you the flexibility to do that while getting a higher education degree.
- If you live in a remote area, the hassle of moving out for your education is eliminated.
IGNOU Online Courses Admission Process
The step-by-step online admission process for IGNOU is provided below.
- Click on the NEW REGISTRATION tab that appears in the applicant login area and fill the required registration details.
- Your username must be between 8 to 16 characters and the password must be alphanumeric and between 8 to 16 characters.
- Now, click on the "SUBMIT" button.
- Candidates' usernames will be instantly sent to their registered e-mail and phone numbers via SMS.
- Now log in using your newly generated username and password and go on to fill the application form by uploading a scanned photograph (less than 100 KB), a scanned signature (less than 100 KB), scanned copies of relevant educational qualifications (less than 200 KB), scanned copies of experience certificates (if any) (less than 200 KB), and a scanned copy of Category Certificate (less than 200 KB).
- Now you can go on to pay your fee using a credit card (Master/ Visa), debit card (Master/ Visa/ Rupay) or net banking.
- Once you are done, save the form for future reference.
IGNOU Schools of Study
IGNOU imparts education through its 21 schools of study which offer education in different streams. The 21 schools of study at IGNOU include:
IGNOU Schools of Study |
School of Agriculture (SOA) |
School of Computer and Information Sciences (SOCIS) |
School of Continuing Education (SOCE) |
School of Education (SOE) |
School of Engineering & Technology (SOET) |
School of Extension and Development Studies (SOEDS) |
School of Foreign Languages (SOFL) |
School of Gender and Development Studies (SOGDS) |
School of Health Sciences (SOHS) |
School of Humanities (SOH) |
School of Inter-Disciplinary and Trans-Disciplinary Studies (SOITS) |
School of Journalism and New Media Studies (SOJNMS) |
School of Law (SOL) |
School of Management Studies (SOMS) |
School of Performing and Visual Arts (SOPVA) |
School of Sciences (SOS) |
School of Social Sciences (SOSS) |
School of Social Work (SOSW) |
School of Tourism and Hospitality Service Management (SOTHSM) |
School of Translation Studies and Training (SOTST) |
School of Vocational Education and Training (SOVET) |
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It may be noted that IGNOU admissions in the courses offered by it are majorly done on the basis of merit. However, for admission in a few professional courses such as MBA and BEd, the university also conducts entrance exams. For instance, for MBA admissions, IGNOU conducts the OPENMAT exam.
Q: What are the top 5 courses in IGNOU?
Q: What all specialisations are available under the BSc programme at IGNOU?
Indira Gandhi National Open University offers BSc and BSc (Hons) course across different durations. The course duration range from three to four years. Check out all specialisations available under BSc in the following table:
BSc Specialisations | ||
Botany | Chemistry | Geography |
Geology | Mathematics | Physics |
Zoology | PB BSc Nursing | - |
In addition to BSc, IGNOU also offers a UG BSc (Hons) programme across two specialisations, namely Anthropology and Biochemistry.
Q: Is IGNOU offered pre primary teacher training or not.
Yes, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) offers a programme called "Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education" (DECE) which is specifically designed for individuals interested in pre-primary teacher training. The DECE programme focuses on providing knowledge and skills related to the care and education of young children in the age group of 0-6 years.
IGNOU Distance Learning Courses
Given below is a school-wise list of IGNOU courses offered by the university in distance learning mode at UG, PG, and doctorate level:
IGNOU Courses at the School of Agriculture (SOA) |
PhD in Dairy Science and Technology (PhD DR) |
PhD in Agriculture Extension (PHD AGE) |
PG Diploma In Plantation Management (PG DPM) |
PG Diploma in Food Safety and Quality Management (PG DFSQM) |
PG Certificate in Agriculture Policy (PG CAP) |
Diploma in Dairy Technology (DDT) |
Diploma in Value-added Products from Cereals, Pulses and Oilseeds (DPVCPO) |
Diploma in Value-Added Products from Fruits and Vegetables (DVAPFV) |
Diploma in Fish Products Technology (DFPT) |
Diploma in Watershed Management (DWM) |
Diploma in Meat Technology (DMT) |
Certificate in Sericulture (CIS) |
Certificate in Water Harvesting and Management (CWHM) |
Certificate in Poultry Farming (CPF) |
Certificate in Bee Keeping (CIB) |
Certificate in Organic Farming (COF) |
Training Programme on Betel Vine for farmers (Two Weeks) (TPBV) |
Certificate in Integrated Pest Management Technology in Potato Cultivation (CIPMT) |
Awareness Programme on Value-Added Products from Fruits and Vegetables (APVPFV) |
Awareness Programme on Dairy Farming (APDF) |
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IGNOU Courses at the School of Computer and Information Sciences (SOCIS) |
PhD Computer Science (PHD CS) |
Certificate in Information Technology (CIT) |
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IGNOU Courses at the School of Continuing Education (SOCE) |
PhD in Rural Development (PHD RD) |
PhD in Food & Nutrition (PHD FN) |
Master of Science in Counselling and Family Therapy (MSCCFT) |
Master of Science Degree in Dietetics and Food Service Management (M Sc(DFSM)) |
PG Diploma in Counselling and Family Therapy (PG DCFT) |
PG Diploma in Rural Development (PG DRD) |
Diploma in Panchayat Level Administration & Development (DPLAD) |
Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education (DECE) |
Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education (DNHE) |
Certificate in Nutrition and Childcare (CNCC) |
Certificate in Food and Nutrition (CFN) |
Certificate Programme in Rural Development (CRD) |
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IGNOU Courses at the School of Education (SOE) |
PhD in Education (PHD EDU) |
Master of Education (MEd ) |
MA in Adult Education (MAAE) |
PG Diploma in Higher Education Management (PG DHEM) |
PG Diploma in Adult Education (PG DAE) |
PG Diploma in School Leadership and Management (PG DSLM) |
PG Diploma in Education Technology (PG DET) |
PG Diploma in Educational Management and Administration (PG DEMA) |
PG Diploma in Pre-Primary Education (PG DPPED) |
PG Certificate in Adult Education (PG CAE) |
PG Certificate in Information and Assistive Technologies for the Instructors of Visually Impaired (PG CIATIVI) |
Diploma in Elementary Education (DElEd) |
Certificate in Elementary Teacher Education (for Tripura State) (CETE) |
Certificate in Guidance (CIG) |
IGNOU Courses at the School of Engineering & Technology (SOET) |
PhD in Mechanical Engineering (PHD MECE) |
PhD in Civil Engineering (PHD CENG) |
Advanced Certificate in Power Distribution Management (ACPDM) |
Certificate in Energy Technology and Management (CETM) |
Certificate of Competency in Power Distribution (Technicians) (CCPD) |
Certificate in Motor Cycle Service and Repair (CMSR) |
IGNOU Courses at the School of Extension and Development Studies (SOEDS) |
MA in Development Studies (MADVS) |
MA in Extension & Development Studies (MAEDS) |
PG Diploma in Urban Planning and Development (PG DUPDL) |
PG Diploma in Extension and Development Studies (PG DEDS) |
PG Certificate in Extension and Development Studies (PG CEDS) |
Certificate Programme In Value Education (CPVE) |
IGNOU Courses at the School of Foreign Languages (SOFL) |
PhD in Arabic (PhD (A)) |
PhD in French (PhD(A)) |
Diploma in Teaching German as a Foreign Language (DTG) |
Certificate in Russian Language (CRUL) |
Certificate in Spanish Language & Culture (CSLC) |
Certificate in French Language (CFL) |
Certificate in Arabic Language (CAL) |
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IGNOU Courses at the School of Gender and Development Studies (SOGDS) |
MA in Gender and Development Studies (MAGD) |
MA in Women’s and Gender Studies (MAWGS) |
PG Diploma in Women’s & Gender Studies (PG DWGS) |
Diploma in Women’s Empowerment and Development (DWED) |
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IGNOU Courses at the School of Health Sciences (SOHS) |
PhD in Nursing (PhD(N)) |
Post-Doctoral Certificate in Dialysis Medicine (PDCDM) |
PG Diploma in HIV Medicine (PG DHIVM) |
PG Diploma in Maternal and Child Health (PG DMCH ) |
PG Diploma in Geriatric Medicine (PG DGM) |
BSc Nursing (Post Basic) (BScN(PB)) |
Diploma in Nursing Administration (DNA) |
Diploma in Critical Care Nursing (DCCN) |
Certificate in Newborn & Infant Nursing (CNIN) |
Certificate in Maternal and Child Health Nursing (CMCHN) |
Certificate in Home-Based Health Care (CHBHC) |
Certificate in Health Care Waste Management (CHCWM) |
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IGNOU Courses at the School of Humanities (SOH) |
PhD in English (PhD in English) |
PhD in Hindi (PhD in Hindi) |
PG Diploma in Book Publishing (PG DBP) |
Diploma in Creative Writing in English (DCE) |
Diploma in Urdu (DUL) |
Certificate in Teaching of English as a Second Language (CTE) |
Certificate in Urdu Language (CUL) |
Certificate Programme in Functional English (Basic level) (CFE) |
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IGNOU Courses at the School of Inter-Disciplinary and Trans-Disciplinary Studies (SOITS) |
PhD in Inter-disciplinary and Trans-disciplinary Studies (PHDITS) |
MA (Philosophy) (MAPY) |
PG Diploma in Sustainability Science (PG DSS) |
PG Diploma in Folklore and Culture Studies (PG DFCS) |
Appreciation Course on Population and Sustainable Development (ACPSD) |
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IGNOU Courses at the School of Journalism and New Media Studies (SOJNMS) |
PG Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication (PG JMC) |
PG Diploma in Audio Programme Production (PG DAPP) |
Certificate in Community Radio (CCR) |
IGNOU Courses at the School of Law (SOL) |
PhD in Law (PHDLE) |
PG Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights (PG DIPR) |
PG Diploma in Criminal Justice (PG DCJ ) |
PG Certificate in Cyber Law (PG CCL) |
PG Certificate in Patent Practice (PG CPP) |
Diploma in Paralegal Practice (DIPP) |
Certificate in Human Rights (CHR) |
Certificate in Consumer Protection (CCP) |
Certificate in International Humanitarian Law (CIHL ) |
Certificate in Anti-Human Trafficking (CAHT ) |
Certificate in Co-operation, Co-operative Law (CCLBL ) |
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IGNOU Courses at the School of Management Studies (SOMS) |
PhD in Management (PHDMGMT) |
PhD in Commerce (PHDCOM) |
Master of Commerce in Finance & Taxation (MCom (F&T)) |
Master of Commerce in Business Policy and Corporate Governance (MCom (BP & CG)) |
Master of Commerce in Management Accounting & Financial Strategies (MCom (MA&FS)) |
PG Diploma in International Business Operations (PG DIBO) |
Bachelor of Commerce with a Major in Accountancy and Finance (BCOMAF) |
BCom with a Major in Corporate Affairs and Administration (BCom (CA&A)) |
BCom with Major in Financial and Cost Accounting (BCom(F&CA)) |
BBA in Retailing (BBA(Retailing)) |
Diploma in Management (DIM) |
Certificate in NGO Management (CNM) |
Certificate in Business Skills (CBS) |
Master of Philosophy in Commerce (MPHILCOM) |
IGNOU Courses at the School of Performing and Visual Arts (SOPVA) |
Certificate in Performing Arts - Bharatnatyam (CPABN) |
Certificate in Performing Arts - Hindustani Music (CPAHM) |
Certificate in Performing Arts - Karnatak Music (CPAKM) |
Certificate In Performing Arts -Theatre Arts (CPATHA) |
Certificate in Visual Arts - Painting (CVAP) |
Certificate in Visual Arts - Applied Arts (CVAA) |
IGNOU Courses at the School of Sciences (SOS) |
PhD in Statistics (PHDSTAT) |
PhD in Geography (PHDGG) |
PhD in Chemistry (PHDCHE) |
MSc (Mathematics with Applications in Computer Science) (MACS) |
PG Diploma in Applied Statistics (PG DAST) |
PG Diploma in Analytical Chemistry (PG DAC) |
PG Diploma in Environment and Sustainable Development (PG DESD) |
PG Certificate in Geoinformatics (PG CGI) |
BSc (General) |
Diploma in Aquaculture (DAQ) |
Certificate Programme in Laboratory Techniques (CPLT) |
Certificate Programme in Teaching of Primary School Mathematics (CTPM) |
Appreciation Course on Environment (ACE) |
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IGNOU Courses at the School of Social Sciences (SOSS) |
PhD in Gandhian Thought and Peace Studies (MPhil/ PhD in Gandhian Studies) Integrated (DoPG PS) |
PhD in Psychology (PhD in Psychology) |
PhD in Public Administration (PhD in Public Admn) |
PhD in History (PhD in History) |
PhD in Political Science (PhD in Political Sc) |
PhD in Economics (PHDEC) |
PhD in Sociology (PhD in Sociology) |
PhD in Library & Information Science (PhD in Library & Information Sc) |
Masters in Anthropology (MAAN) |
MA in Psychology (MAPC) |
MA in Gandhi and Peace Studies (MA(GPS)) |
PG Diploma in Gandhi and Peace Studies (PG DGPS) |
PG Diploma in Mental Health (PG DMH) |
PG Diploma in Disaster Management (PG DDM) |
PG Certificate in Gandhi and Peace Studies (PG CGPS) |
Certificate in Disaster Management (CDM) |
Certificate in Environmental Studies (CES) |
MPhil in Economics (MPHILEC) |
Master of Philosophy in Sociology (MPHILSO) |
Master of Philosophy in Political Science (MPHILPS) |
MPhil in Public Administration (MPHILPA) |
MPhil in Gandhian Thought and Peace Studies (MPHILGDS) |
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IGNOU Courses at the School of Social Work (SOSW) |
PhD in Social Work (PHDSW) |
Master of Social Work (Counselling) (MSWC) |
Diploma in HIV and Family Education (DAFE) |
Certificate in Tribal Studies (CTRBS) |
Certificate in HIV and Family Education (CAFE) |
Certificate in Social Work and Criminal Justice System (CSWCJS) |
Master of Philosophy in Social Work (MPHILSW) |
IGNOU Courses at the School of Tourism and Hospitality Service Management (SOTHSM) |
PhD in Tourism and Hospitality (PhD in Tourism Studies) |
MSc (Hospitality Administration) (MHA) |
Diploma in Tourism Studies (DTS) |
Certificate in Tourism Studies (CTS) |
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IGNOU Courses at the School of Translation Studies and Training (SOTST) |
MA in Translation Studies (MATS) |
PG Diploma in Translation (PG DT) |
PG Certificate in Bangla-Hindi Translation (PG CBHT) |
PG Certificate in Malayalam-Hindi Translation (PG CMHT) |
MPhil in Translation Studies (MPHILTT) |
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IGNOU Courses at the School of Vocational Education and Training (SOVET) |
PhD in Vocational Education (PhD in Vocation Education) |
PG Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sales Management (PG DPSM) |
PG Diploma in Information Security (PG DIS) |
Advanced Certificate in Information Security (ACISE) |
Diploma in BPO Finance & Accounting (DBPOFA ) |
Certificate in Communication and IT Skills (CCITSK) |
Read More:
Q: Which core subjects are taught in the IGNOU BSc (H) Biochemistry course?
IGNOU BSc course curriculum include subjects categories as core courses, discipline specific courses, ability enhancement courses, skill enhancement courses, and generic electives. Some of the core subjects included in the IGNOU BSc (H) Biochemistry course curriculum are:
- Molecules of Life
- Cell Biology
- Proteins
- Enzymes
- Metabolism of Carbohydrates and Lipids
- Human Physiology
- Concepts in Genetics
- Immunology, etc.
Q: What are the generic electives offered in the IGNOU BSc (H) Anthropology course?
The Indira Gandhi National Open University offers four generic electives to the BSc (H) Anthropology course aspirants. There is a certain credit attached with each of the subject. Apart from this, the course curriculum also includes ability enhancement compulsory course (AECC). The two AECC subjects included in the curriclum are Environmental Studies and English Communication Skills.
Q: What are the lab subjects in BCA curriculum at IGNOU?
IGNOU BCA curriculum include lab subjects in each of the semester except for last semester. The syllabus include both theory and lab subjects. Mentioned below are the lab subjects included in the UG course curriculum:
- Computer Basics and PC Software Lab
- C Language Programming Lab
- DBMS Lab
- Data and File Structures Lab
- Java Programming Lab
- Statistical Techniques Lab
- Algorithm Design Lab
- Network Programming and Administration Lab
- Web Programming Lab
- Computer Oriented Numerical Techniques Lab
Q: Which course should I pursue after completing MA in Hindi from IGNOU?
You can do PhD in Hindi or an M.Phil in Hindi after completing an MA Hindi course from IGNOU. These courses are useful for you to pursue your career in the teaching profession. You can get a Lecturer job after completing the PhD in Hindi. You can also do an MBA in Finance or Marketing course after an MA in Hindi. If you do it from a reputed institution then there are more job opportunities. The above given are some of the best courses to pursue after an MA in Hindi. You can apply online or offline for admission to the course. The candidates with MA Hindi with 55% marks are eligible for the PhD in Hindi course. Admission to the course will be done through an entrance test and personal interview (on the research subject).
Q: What are the subjects in IGNOU MSc in Environmenta Science first year?
IGNOU MSc course of two-year is divided into semester pattern. The first year of the programme is divide into two semesters. IGNOU MSc course include theory and lab subjects. Mentioned below is the semester-wise list of subjects included in the course curriculum:
First Semester:
- Fundamentals of Environmental Science and Ecology
- Earth Processes
- Environmental Chemistry
- Environmental Science Lab course - 1
Second Semester:
- Sustainable Natural Resource Management
- Environmental Pollution, Control and Management
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Environmental Science Lab course - 2
- Elective Course
- How to apply for the Distance MBA programme at IGNOU
- Distance MBA from IGNOU vs Distance MBA Annamalai University
- IGNOU Entrance Exams
- Fine Arts Course After Class 10th
FAQs Related to IGNOU Courses
Q. What is the admission process at IGNOU?
A. The admission process for IGNOU courses is direct, except for courses like MBA, BEd, PhD, and BSc Nursing for which admission is based on entrance test.
Q. What is the process to get degree from IGNOU after completion of course?
A. The degree of the candidates are forwarded to the regional centre selected by them while filling the form. Candidates can apply for the degree from the IGNOU's official website and collect it from the regional centre.

Aayushi is a BAJMC graduate and an ardent consumer of content with a keen passion for film, TV and books. She specialises in Mass Communication and Humanities related exams, entrances and courses.
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Contact Details
Indira Gandhi National Open University, Maidan Garhi
Saket, Delhi
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Student Forum
Answered 2 weeks ago
In case a candidate misses the deadline for IGNOU registration, he or she can write mail or contact the admission office for assistance. In case nothing can be done, he or she then needs to register in the next cycle. IGNOU conducts admission in two cycles-January and June. Admission to most of the
Contributor-Level 10
Answered 2 weeks ago
Hi there,
With 49.6% in your BA from IGNOU, you may face challenges meeting the general eligibility criteria for admission to certain programs at LPU, as the minimum required percentage for many undergraduate and postgraduate courses is typically around 50%. However, LPU sometimes offers flexibility
Contributor-Level 10
Answered 4 days ago
As of February 2025, students who have finished their first year at another university are not eligible for lateral entrance into the second year of the Indira Gandhi National Open University's (IGNOU) Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) program. Generally speaking IGNOU's lateral entry policies are restri
Contributor-Level 10
Answered 2 years ago
Contributor-Level 8
Answered a week ago
Candidates who have filled out their IGNOU applciation form 2025 can check IGNOU admission status 2025 by visiting the official website of the university, i.e., The status can be verified for both fresh applicants and students who have applied for re-registration here. Apart from checki
Contributor-Level 10
Answered 2 weeks ago
The online application form for the IGNOU B.Ed Entrance Exam is available at Check eligibility before applying. The fee is INR 1,000, payable online via credit/debit card or net banking. For details, visit IGNOU website.
Contributor-Level 6
Answered 2 weeks ago
Candidates seeking admission in BTech programme of IGNOU need to register on the official website of the university. The university considers the qualifying score of the aspirants to offer admission. The university send an SMS or email regarding admission status to the students. Once selected, candi
Contributor-Level 10
Answered a week ago
The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) typically releases admission notifications for the Master of Arts in English (MA English) programme twice a year corresponding to its January and July admission cycles. For the 2025-26 academic session the notification for the January 2025 cycle has
Contributor-Level 6
One of the leading universities in India, IGNOU offers over 200 UG, PG, diploma, certificate and doctoral courses via open and distance learning (ODL) mode. Candidates interested in IGNOU admission can apply through the online admission portal for ODL programmes, i.e. In addition, the university launched an Online Education portal under its umbrella and now, it offers more than 40 UG, PG, Diploma and Certificate courses via the same.
Out of all these courses, some of the popular ones are listed below:
Read more on top IGNOU courses.