TANCET Preparation 2025: Last Minute Prep Tips, Strategy & Guide

Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test 2025 ( TANCET )

DeskCalelnderRegistration - 24 Jan '25 - 21 Feb '25

This exam is conducted for courses given below:
Abhishek Dhawan
Updated on Feb 3, 2025 15:30 IST

By Abhishek Dhawan, Assistant Manager – Editorial Content

TANCET Preparation Tips 2025: Anna University conducts TANCET exam for admission to MBA courses every year. One requires at least five months to prepare for TANCET exam. Candidates planning to take TANCET 2025 must have started preparing for the exam already. Nearly 35,000 candidates fight for 15,000+ MBA seats offered by TANCET participating colleges. With a high level of competition, candidates aspiring for admissions based on the TANCET exam must have a top-notch preparation strategy. Some of the key elements of a well-structured TANCET 2025 preparation plan include knowing the test structure and syllabus. Additionally, one must get the best study resources, including the recommended books, TANCET previous year's question papers, sample papers, etc.

Candidates must start the TANCET preparation as soon as possible as the exam date is already out. Read this article further for more information on TANCET preparation tips 2025 and tricks, along with the recommended preparatory material.

Get Last 10 Year's TANCET Question Papers Here
Download Link: Last 10 Year TANCET MBA Question Paper PDF

Q:   Is it easy to get high scores in TANCET exam?


Yes, it is easy to get high scores in TANCET exam to meet the cutoff scores. All what needs to be done is hard work. Every exam is easy or tough based on the overall preparation. The TANCET question pattern is simple if compared with other MBA entrance exams including, CAT XAT CMAT etc. TANCET MBA has five sections with 20 marks for each section. Additionally, all the sections have equal number of questions. The sections appearing in TANCET MBA exam include:

  • Section 1 - Business Situations
  • Section 2 - Reading Comprehension
  • Section 3 - Quantitative Ability
  • Section 4 - Data Sufficiency
  • Section 5 English Usage

Candidates preparing as per the TANCET exam pattern and syllabus will not face any issues to meet the TANCET cutoff rank/scores.

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Q:   How can I prepare for TANCET MBA by self-study? What are the materials I have to use?


Tips and tricks to clear TANCET exam include

  1. Clearing your concepts and basics
  2. Taking mock tests
  3. Practicing previous year's question papers/sample papers
  4. Focus on improving speed and accuracy
  5. Time Management using techniques such as the Pomodoro technique
  6. Revision using short notes
  7. Avoid starting any new topics in the last phase of TANCET preparation
  8. Prepare a clear and defined exam day strategy
  9. Know your strength and weaknesses

Coming to the second part of the question, some of the recommended books to prepare for TANCET exam include:

  • Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by R. S. Aggarwal
  • Quantitative Aptitude by S. N. Jha
  • Reasoning Test (Verbal & Non-Verbal) by Dr. M. B. Lal & A. K. Singh.
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Q:   Can you suggest some preparation strategies for TANCET MBA? How much do I need to score to join Madras University?

Some tips one should consider: Prepare all the topics listed in the syllabus. In case a topic gets left out, candidates will risk their chances of obtaining a high score. Avoid picking a new topic. Candidates must also select appropriate study material as it will help them understand the structure of entrance test. Avoid any kind of guesswork. Negative marking is applicable in the exam and it is better to leave those questions whose answers candidates are unable to determine with conviction. Take as many mock tests as possible before the actual day of the test. Mock tests help candidates identify their strong and weak areas. Mocks give them the chance to strengthen those weak areas. Prepare a schedule which must be followed religiously. By the time the exam day arrives, candidates will become skilled at allotting equal time to each section of the test. Vocabulary is an integral part of any entrance test these days and candidates are advised to strengthen it as much as they can. It is advised that they read as many newspapers as they can daily and mark down words they have unknown so far and then check for their meaning.
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Table of content
  • TANCET Preparation 2025: Sectional Overview
  • TANCET Preparation Tips 2025
  • TANCET 2025: Last Minute Preparation Tips
  • TANCET 2025 Preparation: Recommended Books

TANCET Preparation 2025: Sectional Overview

To start preparing for TANCET 2025, candidates must know the sectional distribution for each course. The space below depicts the course wise sectional distribution in the TANCET exam:

  • TANCET exam for MBA admission comprises questions from five sections with 20 questions each. TANCET MBA sections are as follows:
    • Business Situations
    • Reading Comprehension
    • Quantitative Ability
    • Data Sufficiency
    • English Usage
  • TANCET MCA exam comprises four sections with 25 questions in each. The sections included in the TANCET MCA exam are as follows:
    • Analytical Ability
    • Quantitative Ability
    • Logical Reasoning
    • Computer Awareness
  • TANCET exam for all other courses has three sections with separate weightage for each section. List of TANCET exam sections for ME/M.Tech/M.Arch/M.Plan is as follows:
    • Engineering Mathematics
    • Basic Engineering and Sciences
    • Discipline-specific section
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Commonly asked questions

Q:   Which section of the TANCET exam has the highest weightage?


The TANCET exam has five sections, namely,

  1. Business Situations 
  2. Reading Comprehension
  3. Quantitative Ability
  4. Data Sufficiency
  5. English Usage

As per the TANCET exam pattern, a total of 100 questions are asked collectively from all sections of the TANCET exam. All five section of TANCET MBA exam have equal weightage. Therefore, candidates have to answer a total of 20 questions, irrespective of the section. Since all sections of the TANCET exam have equal weightage, candidates must take all sections seriously. Each section of TANCET exam holds identical importance.

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Q:   How to improve Reading Comprehension skills for TANCET MBA exam?


Here are some tips on how to improve reading comprehension skills for MBA exam preparation:

  1. Read regularly
  2. Summarize what you read
  3. Reach out mentors for help
  4. Practice using sample papers and mock tests
  5. Pay attention to the author's purpose
  6. Identify the main idea of each paragraph
  7. Look for clues to the author's tone.
  8. Is the author being serious, humorous, or sarcastic?
  9. Read between the lines. What is the author not saying? What are they implying?

By following the above mentioned tips, one can improve their reading comprehension skills and increase their chances of success on the MBA exam.

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Q:   How can I perform well in English section of TANCET exam?


TANCET exam's English Proficiency section is further divided into two sub-sections. These sub-sections include Reading Comprehension and Verbal Ability followed by General English which evaluates the grammatical skills of the candidate. Candidates should develop a habit of reading newspapers, magazines and books to have a better understanding of English Knowledge. They can also refer to High School Grammar by Wren and Martin for developing a strong foundation. Basic Grammar forms the base of this examination and a candidate should be good in basic grammar such as Articles, Parts of Speech, Tense, etc. A candidate needs to read the basic grammar books and can also learn the rules of grammar online by practicing more. Following areas require candidate's attention to score well in the TANCET English section:

  • Vocabulary
  • Synonyms and Antonyms
  • One word Substitutions
  • Idioms and Phrases
  • Spotting Errors
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TANCET Preparation Tips 2025

With a high competition rate, the TANCET exam is difficult to crack without preparation. The right attitude towards studies accompanied by a TANCET preparation plan is all it takes to ace the exam. Aspirants are provided here detailed TANCET preparation plan and guide for effective studies:

Understanding TANCET Exam Pattern

Before beginning with TANCET preparation, candidates must gain familiarity with the TANCET exam pattern. Here we have shared the exam pattern of all the courses for which TANCET is conducted.

TANCET 2025 Exam Pattern for MBA

TANCET Exam Pattern


Duration of test

2 hours



TANCET MBA sections

Five (5), namely

- Business Situations

- Reading Comprehension

- Quantitative Ability

- Data Sufficiency

- English Usage

Total marks


Sectional weightage


Negative marks


Exam medium

English, Tamil

TANCET 2025 Exam Pattern for MCA

TANCET MCA Exam Pattern


Duration of test

2 hours



TANCET MCA sections

Four (4), namely

- Analytical Ability

- Quantitative Ability

- Logical Reasoning

- Computer Awareness

Total marks


Sectional weightage


Negative marks

- 1/4

Exam medium


Knowledge of TANCET Syllabus

This is the most important aspect of TANCET preparation. The syllabus for the TANCET exam varies based on the course as the sections also differ across courses. Candidates must check all the section-wise topics in the TANCET syllabus. Candidates might find the important topics that require more focus. Thus, candidates must start with such topics as early as possible.

Brush up the Fundamentals

Given the amount of time left for TANCET 2025, candidates must understand the basic concepts, formulas and shortcut methods to solve/answer typical questions that appear in the question paper. It is important for an aspirant to make a list of all the important formulae and shortcuts. This, additionally, helps during the revision process as well.

Focus on Quality, not Quantity

While studying for TANCET, candidates must not focus on the quantity of the topics they cover. The primary focus of the candidate should be on qualitative studies. Students preparing based on the quantity are likely to forget some of the topics they covered in the past. The best way forward is learning something from each study session. A candidate needs to envisage a proper study plan with a primary focus on areas where he/she needs to improve.

Make a Study Routine

Candidates should prepare a study routine for TANCET preparation and stick to it. Set a daily timetable and strike a balance between study and recreation. The plan should be such that it includes time for revision, solving TANCET sample papers/question papers, mock tests, etc. Although candidates do not require any coaching for TANCET preparation, solving mock tests of different MBA entrance exams will also solve the purpose of section-wise preparation analysis.

Buy Best Study Resources

While purchasing the best books for TANCET preparation, candidates should remember that it should cover all the topics prescribed in the syllabus. Besides, the language of the book should be simple.

Keep Yourself Healthy

TANCET aspirants should not underplay the importance of keeping themselves fit during preparation. They should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, consume nutritious food. To relieve stress, candidates can also practise yoga and meditation. Candidates should be mindful of the fact that the breaks they take after each study session should be invested on reenergizing themselves. Also, they should minimize the use of social media during the preparation period.

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Commonly asked questions

Q:   When should I start preparing for TANCET (MBA)?

TANCET exam is a competitive exam for MBA and MCA admission. It is crucial to start preparing early in order to get a good score. The ideal time to start preparing for the TANCET MBA exam is at least 4-5 months before the exam date. However, the preparation time may vary across individual students. This will give you enough time to cover the entire syllabus, practice with previous year's question papers, take mock tests, and get familiar with the exam format. Here are some tips for preparing for the TANCET MBA exam: 1) Start by familiarizing yourself with the syllabus 2) Practice with previous year's question papers 3) Take a mock test 4) Create a study plan 5) Get enough sleep 6) Eat healthy meals to avoid illness 7) Plan the exam day beforehand Following the above-mentioned tips will help you to prepare for the TANCET MBA exam and increase your chances of success.
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Q:   Which are the most important topics to focus for TANCET preparation?


Hi, TANCET sections include Questions from Business situations, Comprehension Passage, Graduate level Mathematics, Determining Data Sufficiency, English Language. The important topics to focus while preparing for TANCET are same as CMAT. Here are few tips which you should consider while preparing for TANCET. 

1) Try preparing all the topics listed in the official syllabus. Leaving any topic will risk your chances of obtaining a high score. However, at the last minute, avoid picking up a new topic.

2) Candidates should choose or select the appropriate study material so that they can easily understand it and it will help them to understand the structure of the exam. Negative marking is applicable in the test.

3) Therefore, another TANCET MBA preparation tip is to avoid guesswork. Mark the answers which you are sure of else leave them unanswered. The candidates must concentrate on enhancing their vocabulary as they will have to answer different questions in this section of the exam. Read the newspaper on a daily basis, it will help you prepare for the further rounds of admission. Hope it helps.

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Q:   How can I crack TANCET in 6 months?

TANCET is conducted by Anna University Chennai on behalf of Government of Tamil Nadu and is accepted by many good colleges across India. Make your plan according to the time you can give for the preparation on a daily basis. Work on your plan and identify your weakness and strength. Try to plan and identify above stated things within a week. Set your plan agile and keep buffer time for revision and solving mock test papers. Start with your verbal and quantitative practice in parallel. Six months can make or change the game, time management is very important at every single point of time till the final day and even on the day. Keep positive! Solve questions in a specified time frame this will help you in doing questions in time. Maintain a good balance between your accuracy and solving time. Be focused and calm. For the last month keep all the formulas and tricks handy and revise on a daily basis. Remember not to be emotional while solving or appearing for exam. Manage your time wisely.
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TANCET 2025: Last Minute Preparation Tips

Last-minute preparation tips refer to the strategies candidates must devise in the last few days before the exam and fine-tune the learnings obtained. No new topic should be started at this stage and thorough revision should be done for the sections and topics prepared so far. This time period should also be utilised to thoroughly understand the instructions of taking the TANCET 2025 examination and plan the exam taking strategy accordingly. Here are a few last-minute preparation tips that will help you overcome the exam jitters and score well in the upcoming examination:


This is the most important aspect of TANCET preparation. Candidates should revise all the key points, concepts, formulas and shortcut tricks to solve mathematical problems in the exam. By reviewing the topics that have already been covered, candidates can tackle questions more confidently.

Be prepared with plan B

It is important that a candidate enters the examination hall with the right frame of mind. There are times when the difficulty level of questions would be high or there would be surprise elements in the paper, but keeping calm and approaching every question with a fresh approach can help a candidate perform well in the exam.

Managing time

Time is a key factor in competitive exams. Candidates are advised to make a thorough plan for cracking TANCET 2025. While attempting questions during the exam, they should set a time limit for each question. Candidates are advised to ignore tough and time-consuming questions to avoid negative marking.

Keep Admit Card handy

Candidates should take a printout of the TANCET 2025 hall ticket and safely keep it along with valid identity proof. This is crucial as the last-minute rush for this will only keep your focus away from the exam.

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TANCET 2025 Preparation: Recommended Books

TANCET syllabus for MBA exam comprises five sections, namely, Quantitative Ability, Data Sufficiency, Business Situation Analysis, Reading Comprehension, and English Usage. The recommended books for all the sections are tabulated below:

Book Title


The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude for MBA Entrance Examinations

Dinesh Khattar

Quantitative Aptitude

RS Aggarwal

Data Interpretation for CAT

Arun Sharma

Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency

Ananta Ashisha

Analytical Reasoning

MK Pandey

Multi-Dimensional Reasoning

Mishra & Kumar Dr. Lal

High School Grammar

Wren & Martin

Word Power Made Easy

Norman Lewis

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Commonly asked questions

Q:   Which book will be best to prepare for TANCET Exam?

Some of the preparation books for preparing for Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET) are mentioned here: English Language Student Book by Alison Ross Quantitative Aptitude by S. N. Jha Numerical Test by Dr. M. B. Lal & Jain Reasoning Test (Verbal & Non-Verbal) by Dr. M. B. Lal & A. K. Singh Logical and Analytical Reasoning by A. K. Gupta TANCET MBA Exam Book - Author: E. S. Ramasamy TANCET MBA (Anna University) - Author: V K Subburaj A Comprehensive Study of Data Interpretation Analysis and Sufficiency - Author: Ashok Gupta Non-Verbal Reasoning - Author: B. S. Sijwali & Indus Sijwali Besides the above mentioned books, candidates can get section wise recommended books on Shiksha's article on recommended books for TANCET MBA (https://www.shiksha.com/mba/articles/best-books-for-tancet-preparation-blogId-20375). .
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Q:   Are CAT books helpful in TANCET exam preparation?

Yes, CAT books can be of help while preparing for the TANCET MBA exam. The CAT exam is a standardized test that is used for admission to MBA programs across India. The TANCET MBA exam is also a standardized test, but it is specific to MBA colleges in Tamil Nadu. The two exams have several similarities. Therefore, CAT books can be a good resource for preparing for the TANCET exam. Here are some of the benefits of using CAT books to prepare for the TANCET MBA exam: 1) CAT books cover a wide range of topics. 2) CAT books provide wide scope of practice questions. 3) CAT books can help you to develop a better study plan, as CAT is considered tougher than TANCET. However, it is important to note that CAT books are not the only study material for the TANCET MBA exam. Candidates can find several TANCET specific books, question papers, and more. TANCET sample papers, online tutorials, and TANCET study groups, help aspirants every year during their preparation phase,. .
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Answered 2 days ago

Yes, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology considers TANCET scores for MBA admission. Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test or TANCET, is an admission test conducted in offline mode. Anna University conducts the state-level entrance once in a year. Candidates are offered seat in KPRIET based on thei

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Nishtha Shukla

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 4 days ago

The TANCET MCA 2024 question paper is available on shiksha.com. Apart from this, other information related to TANCET is also available on this website. Some more information related to TANCET mca: The answer key of TANCET MCA 2024 is available on the official website of Anna University, tancet.annau

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Abhishek singh

Contributor-Level 9

Answered 4 days ago

To be eligible for MBA admission at Annamaliai University, candidates must have a bachlor's degree in any subject with a minimum in any subject with a minimum of Minimum of 50% marks for general and 45% marks for reserve candidates admission to the MBA programme at Annamalai University are based on

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Abhishek Singh

Contributor-Level 6

Answered a week ago

Yes, TANCET exam is required for admission to MCA at Rathinam Technical Campus Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test which is mandatory for admission to MCA. Applicants seeking admission to MCA are required to apply and appear for TANCET to be eligible for admission.


Shiksha Bhandari

Contributor-Level 7

Answered a week ago

TANCET is one of the exams to get in to KVIM. However they do accept MAT, ATMA, CMAT, State CET etc.

KUMAR Gounder

Beginner-Level 4

Answered 3 weeks ago

Madras University Cutoff 2024 has been released for the affiliated colleges for the last round for admission to MBA and MCA specialisations based on TANCET scores. The cutoff was released for different categories under the All India quota. Considering the TANCET MBA cutoff 2024, the S.A. College of

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Mohit Singh

Beginner-Level 5

Answered 3 weeks ago

Candidates can apply for Ground Services courses in Remo International College of Aviation (Guindy) through TANCET scores. 

  • Course name: MBA in Airline and Airport Management

  • Course Fees: INR 2 Lakh

  • Eligibility: 50% in graduation

  • Type of university: Private

  • Mode of Course: Full-time


Kanishk Shukla

Contributor-Level 7

Answered 4 weeks ago

TANCET hall ticket is released nearly 10 days before the exam date. Candidates are allowed to download the TANCET admit card until the exam date. However, if any candidate misplaces the TANCET admit card after the exam has been conducted, he/she might apply for a duplicate copy of the same. Duplicat

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Dhanya Shekhar

Beginner-Level 1

Answered 4 weeks ago

Anna University does not release any dedicated window for TANCET application form correction. With the start of the registration process, Anna University publishes a PDF file wherein candidates can find the registration numbers that have an error with the uploaded photograph or signature.


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Rohini Bisht

Beginner-Level 1

Answered 4 weeks ago

TANCET exam is held once every year around the month of March. Typically, Anna University starts the TANCET registration in January, and the same concludes within one month from the start date. The conducting body releases the TANCET admit card for all candidates who will be appearing for the exam.

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Nikita Saxena

Beginner-Level 1

539 Institutes accepting TANCET

PSGCT Coimbatore

Coimbatore Private

  • 35,000
  • 2 years
  • |
  • Full Time
    • 2 years
    • |
    • Full Time
    • 11.00 Lakh
    • 2 years
    • |
    • Full Time

    Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science

    Kelambakkam, Chennai Private

    • 3.02 Lakh
    • 2 years
    • |
    • Full Time

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