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IIEST Shibpur Cutoff 2024: Check JEE Main Round Wise Cutoff Ranks

  • Public/Government Institute
  • Estd. 1856
Dark Clock Icon Last updated on 12 Feb '25

IIEST Shibpur CutOffs
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IIEST Shibpur
JEE Main Cut Off 2025

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IIEST Shibpur JEE Main Cutoff 2024 - Round 1 and Last Round Closing Ranks

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IIEST Shibpur JEE Main Cutoff Year Wise Comparison 2024, 2023, 2022

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JEE Main Last Round Closing Rank (General-All India)
Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.)10348552166
B.Tech. in Computer Science and Technology140541680918258
B.Tech. in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering252022380125588
B.Tech. in Information Technology187552083323104
B.Tech. in Aerospace and Applied Mechanics368232867226815

IIEST Shibpur JEE Main Important Dates 2025

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DatesUpcoming Events
1 Feb '25 - 25 Feb '25
JEE Main 2025 Session 2 RegistrationOngoing
1 Apr '25 - 8 Apr '25
JEE Main 2025 Exam Date Session 2

IIEST Shibpur 2024 Cutoff Year-Wise PDF Download

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IIEST Shibpur B.Tech Cutoff 2024 - College Comparison

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IIEST Shibpur JEE Main Last Round Closing cutoff comparison (General-All India)

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CollegesSpecializationCut Offs

DJ Sanghvi

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Information Technology18033

NIT Kurukshetra

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Mechanical Engineering18205

NIT Patna

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Computer Science Engineering18206

IIEST Shibpur

Computer Science Engineering18258

NIT Trichy

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Chemical Engineering18275

MANIT Bhopal

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Electronics & Communication Engineering18312

Punjab Engineering College Chandigarh

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Computer Science Engineering18383

These are last round cutoffs of latest year of respective courses. For detailed cutoffs compare them or visit respective colleges

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Commonly asked questions
On JEE Main Cutoffs

Q:   Can I get admission at IIEST Shibpur in BTech if my rank is between 23000 and 24000?


IIEST Shibpur JEE Main Round 6 cutoff for Aerospace Engineering is 23280 which is very close to this range. This was for general category under All India quota. Unless the candidate belongs to some other category or domicile, one can not afford to score less than this. With this rank, there is a probability of getting admission however since, the cut offs keep changing from round to round, better ranks definitely increases your chances of getting admission in IIEST Shibpur.

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Q:   What to do after JEE Main session 2 result?


Candidates preparing for IITs are only required to appear for the JEE Advanced entrance exam after qualifying JEE Main. Students who who secure above the 98th percentile in JEE Main 2024 Session 2 should start preparing for JEE Advanced 2025 immediately. Those who score between 95th and 98th percentile should focus on improving their JEE Main score by taking multiple mock tests and practicing previous year's question papers. By analysing their strengths and weaknesses, candidates can identify their areas of proficiency and topics where they need improvement. If they can achieve full marks in their practice sessions, they can start preparing for JEE Advanced. However, if they cannot score full marks, it is recommended that they appear for multiple mock test series for more practice. 

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Q:   What is the cutoff for various courses at IIEST Shibpur?


IIEST Shibpur cutoff 2024 has been released across various specialisations in opening and closing ranks. IIEST Shibpur BTech cutoff 2024 ranged between, 12745 and 48361 for the General AI category candidates, wherein BTech in Computer Science and Technology is the most competitive course. The easiest BTech specialisation to secure admission is BTech in Mining Engineering. For a detailed IIEST Shibpur branch-wise cutoff 2024, candidates can refer to the table below for the Round 1 cutoff. The cutoff mentioned below is for the General category under the AI Quota.  

B.Tech. in Civil Engineering43262
B.Tech. in Computer Science and Technology12745
B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering24878
B.Tech. in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering19616
B.Tech. in Information Technology16115
B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering32193
B.Tech. in Metallurgy and Materials Engineering45022
B.Tech. in Mining Engineering48361
B.Tech. in Aerospace and Applied Mechanics15603
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Q:   What has been the cutoff trend for Aerospace Engineering at IIEST Shibpur in last few years?


The cutoff trend for B.Tech at IIEST Shibpur has been decreasing in recent years. In 2022, the closing rank for B.Tech. under the General category for all India quota was 36823. In 2023, it decreased to 23280. Likewise, the cut off ranks have changed from 
45560 to 8224 for OBC 99637 to 4384 for SC 1408 to 1431 for ST 40981 to 4517 for EWS. This trend is likely to continue in the coming years, as the demand for engineering education in India continues to grow. A similar cut off trend can be seen for female candidates under all categories however the ranks are slightly different. 

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Q:   What is the JEE Main Round 6 opening and closing rank for Electrical Engineering at IIEST Shibpur?


Opening and Closing rank depends on the category and quota of candidates. For JEE Main Round 6 cutoff 2023, the opening rank was 24454 and closing rank was 28582 for the general category candidates under All India quota. Cut off are different when it comes to other categories or female candidates and even domicile of home state. In All India, opening and closing rank for female candidates was 32134 and 38414. Admission to Electrical Engineering in IIEST Shibpur is based on the scores obtained in the JEE Main entrance exam. Applicants are advised to confirm what category are they applying while checking for cut offs.

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Q:   What is the expected JEE Main cutoff 2024?


NIT Manipur JEE Main cutoff 2024 has been released for admission to the BTech courses. During the Round 1 cutoff, the closing rank for CSE was 25886 for the General category students under the AII India Quota. Among OBC candidates, the closing rank for B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering stood at 8750. Candidates seeking admisison to NIT Manipur can refer to the table below to check out the Round 1 closing ranks for BTech in CSE course for various categories under the AI quota: 


JEE Main 2024 Expected Cutoff

Common Rank List












IIEST Shibpur
GATE Cut Off 2025

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IIEST Shibpur CCMT Cutoff Year Wise Comparison 2024, 2023, 2022

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GATE Last Round score (General-All India)
M.Tech. in Computer Science and Technology430427545
M.Tech. in Information Technology425352458
M.Tech. in Mechanics of fluids444– / –– / –
M.Tech. in Microelectronics and VLSI Design429368408
M.Tech. in Thermal Engineering518– / –– / –
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Commonly asked questions
On GATE Cutoffs

Q:   What is the expected GATE CCMT cutoff for IIEST Shibpur M.Tech admissions in 2024?


IIEST Shibpur cutoff 2024 will be determined and announced by the Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology (IIEST) Shibpur during the counseling process, based on various factors such as the number of seats available, the number of applicants, and the performance of the candidates. However, candidates can refer to the table given below to check out the previous year's Round 1 closing cutoffs for IIEST Shibpur MTech course. This can give you an idea of the minimum scores required to secure admission to IIEST Shibpur through GATE CCMT.

CourseR1 (Closing Rank)
M.Tech. in Biomedical Engineering388
M.Tech. in Communication Engineering and Signal Processing355
M.Tech. in Computer Science and Technology517
M.Tech. in Environmental Engineering357
M.Tech. in Geotechnical Engineering357
M.Tech. in Information Technology446
M.Tech. in Machine Design357
Discontinued (JUN-2022)- M.Tech. in Materials Science and Technology408
M.Tech. in Microwave Communication Engineering351
M.Tech. in Mineral and Energy Resources Engineering350
M.Tech. in Power Electronics and Machine Drives350
M.Tech. in Structural Engineering426
Master of Urban and Regional Planning411
M.Tech. in Water Resources Engineering389
M.Tech. in Materials Engineering361
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Q:   Can I get into VLSI at IIEST Shibpur with a GATE score of 441 in the general category?


IIEST Shibpur M.Tech cutoff 2024 has been released across multiple specialisations. Based on the Round 1 seat allotment, the M.Tech cutoff scores ranged between 352 and 588 for the General AII India category students. 

Talking about VLSI branch, the candidates must have a GATE score of 444 to get into IIEST Shibpur in 2024. However, with a GATE score of 410 to 444 in the general category, candidates can opt for M.Tech. in Biomedical Engineering, M.Tech. in Structural Engineering and other M.Tech Integrated courses. Candidates seeking admission can refer to the table below to check out the other M.Tech courses available, with a cutoff range of 410 and 444 for the General AI category. 

MTech SpecialisationsRound 1 Cutoff (2024)
M.Tech. in Communication Engineering and Signal Processing410
M.Tech. in Power Electronics and Machine Drives429
M.Tech. in Structural Engineering436
M.Tech. in Biomedical Engineering436
M.Tech. in Microelectronics and VLSI Design 444


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Q:   What is the GATE score for IIEST Shibpur M.Tech course?


The Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur admits students on the basis of valid GATE score for its MTech courses. IIEST Shibpur GATE cutoff 2023 was concluded after Round 6 for a few MTech specialisations. As per the IIEST Shibpur GATE cutoff 2023, the last round closing rank was ranged between 351 and 427, among which MTech in Structural Engineering was the most competitive specialisation. This is basis the last round closing rank for the General All India category students. Candidates can refer to the table given below to check out the last round closing ranks for all the IIEST Shibpur MTech specialisations:

M.Tech. in Biomedical Engineering351
M.Tech. in Communication Engineering and Signal Processing372
M.Tech. in Computer Science and Technology427
M.Tech. in Environmental Engineering386
M.Tech. in Geotechnical Engineering357
M.Tech. in Information Technology352
M.Tech. in Machine Design376
Discontinued (JUN-2022)- M.Tech. in Materials Science and Technology408
M.Tech. in Microwave Communication Engineering351
M.Tech. in Mineral and Energy Resources Engineering415
M.Tech. in Power Electronics and Machine Drives350
M.Tech. in Structural Engineering351
Master of Urban and Regional Planning383
M.Tech. in Water Resources Engineering389
M.Tech. in Materials Engineering424
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Q:   What is the difference between the GATE CCMT cutoff and the IIEST Shibpur M.Tech merit list?


The GATE CCMT cutoff is the minimum score required to be considered for admission to the participating institutes, including IIEST Shibpur. It is released by the exam conducting authority, IIT Bombay, and is different for each category of candidates.

On the other hand, the IIEST Shibpur M.Tech merit list is the list of candidates who have been selected for admission to the M.Tech programme at IIEST Shibpur, based on their GATE scores and other factors. This list is prepared by IIEST Shibpur and is based on the GATE cutoff scores.

So, while the GATE CCMT cutoff is the minimum score required to be considered for admission, the IIEST Shibpur M.Tech merit list is the list of candidates who have actually been selected for admission.

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IIEST Shibpur
DASA UG Cut Off 2025

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IIEST Shibpur DASA UG Cutoff Year Wise Comparison

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DASA UG Last Round Closing Rank (General-All India)
Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.)– / –– / –43
B.Tech. in Computer Science and Technology534– / –960
B.Tech. in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering752– / –664
B.Tech. in Information Technology773680– / –
B.Tech. in Aerospace and Applied Mechanics– / –575582

IIEST Shibpur
CCMT Cut Off 2025

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IIEST Shibpur
MTech Cut Off 2024 for CCMT: Year-Wise score

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IIEST Shibpur
CCMN Cut Off 2025

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IIEST Shibpur CCMN Cutoff Year Wise Comparison 2024, 2023, 2022

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CCMN Last Round Closing Rank (General-All India)
M.Sc. in Food Processing and Nutrition Science12351026912
M.Sc. in Physics111212871392
M.Sc. in Chemistry87612401404
M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics136215701737
M.Sc. in Applied Geology304389390
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Commonly asked questions
On CCMN Cutoffs

Q:   What CCMN rank is required to get into IIEST Shibpur for MSc?


IIEST Shibpur MSc cutoff 2024 has been released across multiple specialisations. Based on the Round 1 seat allotment, the MSc cutoff ranks ranged between 253 and 1403 for the General AII India category students. Among all the MSc specialisations, M.Sc. in Applied Geology is the most competitive specialisation. So, considering the round 1 cutoff, candidates seeking admission to IIEST Shibpur must secure over and above the cutoff range mentioned here to be eligible.

A detailed course-wise IIEST Shibpur CCMN cutoff 2024 is given below for the General category students under the AII India Quota. 

M.Sc. in Food Processing and Nutrition Science1164
M.Sc. in Physics1062
M.Sc. in Chemistry1083
M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics1403
M.Sc. in Applied Geology253
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Q:   What is the closing rank for IIEST Shibpur MSc course?


IIEST Shibpur MSc admission is based on CCMN scores, followed by the CCMN Counselling process. As per the IIEST Shibpur MSc cutoff 2023, the last round closing rank was ranged between 389 and 1570, among which M.Sc. in Applied Geology was the most competitive specialisation considering its last round closing rank. Candidates can refer to the table given below to check out the last round closing ranks for all the MSc specialisations during the IIEST Shibpur cutoff 2023:

CourseLast Round (Closing Rank)
M.Sc. in Food Processing and Nutrition Science1026
M.Sc. in Physics1287
M.Sc. in Chemistry1240
M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics1570
M.Sc. in Applied Geology389
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Q:   What GATE rank is required to get into IIEST Shibpur for MTech?


IIEST Shibpur M.Tech cutoff 2024 has been released across multiple specialisations. Based on the Round 1 seat allotment, the M.Tech cutoff scores ranged between 436 and 588 for the General AII India category students. Among all the M.Tech specialisations, M.Tech. in Computer Science and Technology is the most competitive. So, considering the round 1 cutoff, candidates seeking admission to IIEST Shibpur must secure over and above the cutoff range mentioned here to be eligible.

A detailed course-wise IIEST Shibpur GATE CCMT cutoff 2024 is given below for the General category students under the AII India Quota. 

M.Tech. in Biomedical Engineering436
M.Tech. in Computer Science and Technology588
M.Tech. in Information Technology542
M.Tech. in Structural Engineering436
M.Tech. in Microelectronics and VLSI Design444
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IIEST Shibpur
Students Ratings & Reviews

Verified Icon363 Verified ReviewsInfo Icon
Placement Review IconPlacements3.8
Infrastructure Review IconInfrastructure3.8
Faculty Review IconFaculty & Course4.2
Crowd Review IconCampus Life4.5
Money Review IconValue for Money4.2
B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering - Batch of 2026
5Placements4Infrastructure5Faculty5Crowd & Campus Life4Value for Money
It is the 2nd oldest engineering college and the only IIEST in India.
Placements: The batch strength is about 90-95. The placement percentage is above 90%. The highest salary package offered is 32 LPA by Texas Instruments. The lowest salary package offered is around 4 LPA - 5 LPA by TCS. For electrical, CESC, Tata Steel, Texas Instruments, Jindal Steel, etc., visit the college. In core, Google, Microsoft, TCS, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, BNy Mellon etc., visit here.
Infrastructure: The infrastructure of the college is good but quite old. It is being constantly renovated. There are around 20 hostels with a 1,000 seater and a 10 storeyed. It already completed its construction. The girls' hostels are particularly large with good food. Boys' hostels are average with average food. The exception is on an occasional basis.
Faculty: Exams are easy to pass if we are willing to put in effort, either one night before or throughout the whole semester. Teachers are approachable and quite frankly. They want us to excel no matter what we do in life. The curriculum I would say is a bit outdated though newer technologies are being taught in higher semesters.
Other: I am in electrical engineering. It is the hardest engineering branch. If we can excel, we can get a certificate to excel anything. It holds plenty of quizzes, fests like technical and non-technical, and other events.
Reviewed on 25 Jan 2025Read More
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Pratik Raj Verified Icon
B.Tech. in Metallurgy and Materials Engineering - Batch of 2028
3Placements5Infrastructure4Faculty4Crowd & Campus Life4Value for Money
IIEST Shibpur: One of the oldest colleges.
Placements: The college placement is good here, with about 80 percent of the students getting placed. The Department of Computer Science and Technology got the highest package of around 53 LPA last year, and apart from that department, all got decent placements and good results.
Infrastructure: All courses in the college are good. There are 10 departments, including the Department of Architecture, all of which are good. Hostel facilities are also good, with 20 hostels providing accommodation for almost all year students, including 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years.
Faculty: The faculty is very good. The college provides a strict curriculum for students, which helps them to perform extraordinarily. The schedule for exams is also fixed, and a good level of questions is being asked. Teachers are also helpful and supportive, which is very helpful for students.
Reviewed on 18 Jan 2025Read More
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B.Tech. in Aerospace and Applied Mechanics - Batch of 2028
2Placements2Infrastructure3Faculty4Crowd & Campus Life2Value for Money
Review on IIEST Shibpur in my view overall.
Placements: 60-70% were placed. The highest package in our college is 51 Lacs per annum. The lowest is 4 Lacs per annum. The median package offered in our college is 7 Lacs per annum. 60% of students got internships in my course at companies like Caterpillar, ISRO. Many students from this department move towards higher studies.
Infrastructure: The infrastructure of our campus is old. It is not better compared to other NITs. There are 3 hostels available for girls. A 1000-seater hostel is under construction for boys. Wi-Fi is available in the hostel. Among the 3 hostels, 1 is for freshers.
Faculty: Yes, teachers are helpful, qualified, and knowledgeable. Their way of teaching is good. There are 2 exams in 1 semester. They are divided into mid-semester examination and end-semester examination. In the mid-term, half of the syllabus comes in the examination, but in the end-semester examination, the full syllabus will come.
Other: I chose this course because I want to be an aircraft engineer in the future. The best things in my course are that we can gain knowledge about space, aircraft, and many other things related to our daily life. At IIEST Shibpur, there are many events, fests, and programs organized by the whole IIEST Shibpur community.
Reviewed on 22 Dec 2024Read More
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Mohit Chouhan Verified Icon
B.Tech. in Computer Science and Technology - Batch of 2028
3Placements3Infrastructure4Faculty5Crowd & Campus Life4Value for Money
Placements: About 85 percent of students are placed in my department (Department of Computer Science and Technology). My average package is around 19 LPA, and the highest package is around 56 LPA. Companies like Google, Microsoft, Unstop, and Meta visited our campus. Top roles like software developer were offered in my course.
Infrastructure: Sports ground available for sports like cricket, basketball, badminton, and football. In each, there is one television, carrom board, and badminton court. Hostel Wi-Fi is also available. There are various labs available for each department, and the quality of food in the hostel is average.
Faculty: Professors, unlike other college professors, are very helpful, qualified, experienced, and knowledgeable. The teaching quality is above average compared to other colleges in West Bengal, except IIT Kharagpur. The course curriculum is not so well relevant for first-year students, and semester exams are not that hard. The pass percentage is around 99 percent.
Other: There are various tech fests and art and cultural fests organized in my college.
Reviewed on 18 Jan 2025Read More
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Deme Nishith Reddy Verified Icon
B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering - Batch of 2028
4Placements3Infrastructure5Faculty4Crowd & Campus Life4Value for Money
Strong placements, great facilities, and vibrant campus life are available at IIEST Shibpur. 
Placements: Around 85% of Mechanical Engineering students at IIEST Shibpur get placed. The highest salary package offered is 15 LPA and the lowest salary package offered is 8.7 LPA. Top recruiting companies like PwC, Tata Steel, and Vedanta Oil visit the college to hire students. About 30% of students secured internships, including at IITs and IISc. Roles offered are span analytics and core mechanical engineering.
Infrastructure: Facilities at IIEST Shibpur for B.Tech include Wi-Fi-enabled classrooms, well-equipped labs, and a vast library with physical and digital resources. Hostels provide basic amenities with moderate cleanliness. The mess offers decent food, and the canteen has additional snacks. It provides sports facilities like grounds for cricket, football, and courts for badminton. Medical care is available through an on-campus dispensary.
Faculty: Teachers at IIEST Shibpur are knowledgeable and qualified. They are often helpful when approached. Their teaching quality varies, but it is generally good. The course curriculum is industry-relevant, covering core concepts and practical skills. Semester exams are moderately difficult, testing understanding rather than written learning. The pass percentage is typically high, and it is above 85%.
Other: I chose this course to pursue a career in engineering, driven by an interest in problem-solving and technology. The best aspects include a strong curriculum, hands-on experience, and exposure to various engineering fields. Improvements could be made in more industry tie-ups for internships and better practical training. The campus organises vibrant events and fests, offering opportunities for cultural and technical engagement. The campus crowd is diverse, fostering a collaborative environment. Connectivity is good, with access to nearby transport. Surroundings are peaceful and ideal for studying. Scholarships are available for eligible students. Extracurricular activities are also encouraged here.
Reviewed on 13 Jan 2025Read More
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Saichaithanya Kyatham Verified Icon
B.Tech. in Computer Science and Technology - Batch of 2027
4Placements4Infrastructure3Faculty3Crowd & Campus Life2Value for Money
My college life at IIEST, SHIBPUR.
Placements: About 83 percent of students were placed in my course in 2024. The highest on-campus package was 39 LPA and the highest off-campus package was 83 LPA in my course. The average package for my course was 14 LPA. Most of the recruiting companies were TCS, Wipro, Microsoft, and Google. Most of the students in my course were offered roles as software programmers.
Infrastructure: My college's infrastructure is very bad even the infrastructure of my course is bad, comparatively, it is good compared to other courses in my college, as there are AC classrooms in only two courses: computer science and technology and electrical. Hostel infrastructure is very bad. It is worse than our college infrastructure. Wi-Fi is available and can only be used for certain tasks. The health card is provided for all the students at the college so our hospital bills are covered. The food is not very good in the hostel. Even sports facilities are not very good. Only two large grounds are there in the college.
Faculty: Most of our faculty are locals who speak Bengali. So their English is mixed with a Bengali accent, which is very hard to understand. The course curriculum is relevant, which makes the students ready for the placements. The semester exams are very difficult so the certificate has a very high value. The pass percentage is 40%.
Other: I chose the course because many people told me there were high chances of placement in my course. The campus is in the Howrah city area so connectivity is good. The campus has nearly 2800 students from all courses and 750 faculty members. Our college fest, Rebecca, is the second-oldest fest in India.
Reviewed on 28 Jul 2024Read More
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IIEST Shibpur

Student Forum

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Answered 4 weeks ago

At IIEST Shibpur, MSc admissions are based on the candidates' performance in the last qualifying exam and the availability of seats for various MSc specialisations. In order to be eligible for the IIEST Shibpur MSc courses, candidates must have completed their graduation with a minimum aggregate of

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Anya Vimal

Contributor-Level 7

Answered 4 weeks ago

The IIEST Shibpur offers a total of 125 seats for its MSc programme. The institute offers various MSc specialisations, in which the number of seats is distributed accordingly. However, as per the official website, the total number of seats in each specialisation is 25. Admission to MSc is on the bas

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Anya Vimal

Contributor-Level 7

Answered 4 weeks ago

Yes, candidates must appear for an entrance exam to get admission for MSc at IIEST Shibpur. However, they have to appear for the IIT JAM exam to confirm their seat. Those who are seeking admission for IIEST Shibpur MSc must ensure that they meet the course-specific eligibility criteria. Once selecte

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Kanishk Katariya

Contributor-Level 7

Answered 4 weeks ago

At IIEST Shibpur, BArch admission is done based on the performance of the students in the accepted entrance exam and the availability of seats. Candidates must have passed Class 12 or equivalent in a relevant stream from any recognised board to be eligible. The selection is also done based on the va

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Jaya Madavi

Contributor-Level 7

Answered 4 weeks ago

Document verification is a part of the BArch admission process at IIEST Shibpur. Students must present the necessary documents to proceed to the next step. The list of required documents during the admission process at the institute:

  • Class 10, Class 12, graduation marks sheet (as applicable)
  • Photo ID

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Bhumika Yadav

Contributor-Level 10

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Rashmi Sinha

Updated on Feb 12, 2025