MAH CET Exam Pattern 2025: Check Negative Marking & Latest Pattern for MBA/ MMS

Maharashtra Common Entrance Test 2025 ( MAH CET )

DeskCalelnderRegistration - 25 Dec '24 - 25 Feb '25

Vipra Shrivastava
Updated on Jan 2, 2025 13:15 IST

By Vipra Shrivastava, Senior Manager - Content

MAH MBA CET exam pattern 2025 is same as previous years. The question paper will have 200 questions from Logical Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude and Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension. According to the MAH MBA CET 2025 pattern, the exam duration will be 2.5 hours without sectional time limit.

Each question of MAH CET MBA exam 2025 will carry one mark. The MAH MBA CET 2025 will be conducted in online mode in two to three sessions on March 17, 18 and 19, 2025. The question papers of every MAH MBA CET session will have a unique set of questions and therefore the difficulty level will vary. Read below to know all about the latest MAH MBA CET exam pattern.

Q:   What is the syllabus & exam pattern of MAH-CET?

Maharashtra Common Entrance Test (MH-CET) is a standardized national level examination conducted by DTE for admission into various management colleges across Maharashtra. This is an online examination in which there are 200 questions and the duration is 150 minutes. Verbal Ability, Quantitative Ability, Logical Reasoning, Visual Reasoning, DI/ DS and Data Comparison these are the sections which are tested in the examination. 1 mark is awarded for correct and no marks are deducted for the wrong answer which means no negative marking. Question paper can only be answered in English. 1. Verbal ability and Reading comprehension-This is a test to see how well you know the English language. In this test, there will be passages with questions based on their contents to test your comprehension. 2.Quantitative Aptitutde-This test helps to know how fast and accurate you can work with numbers, do numerical calculations understand various arithmetic problems involving ratio and proportion, percentage, etc. This test also helps to measure your power of quantitative reasoning, interpretation of tables, common graphs and charts. 3. Logical / Abstract Reasoning-This test measures how quickly and accurately you can think. This test may have questions based on figures and diagrams and also questions on verbal reasoning. Hope it helps. All the best for the exams.
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Q:   Is there negative marking in MAH CET MBA exam?


MAH CET is one of the few MBA entrance exams in India which does not have negative marking. For each correct attempt, one mark is awarded to the candidate but no marks are deducted for wrong answers or unattempted questions. The total marks of MBA CET are 200 and candidates need not worry about making incorrect attempt. They must however avoid random selection of options as correct answers. They should take time in understanding the question and then choose the option. It is not mandatory to solve all the questions in MAH CET so candidates can spend some time on the questions and then answers. The exam will be of 2.5 hours and if they answers 75-80 questions correctly, they stand to gain a good percentile.

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Q:   What is the sectional weightage in MAH MBA CET?


MAH MBA CET has four sections – Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension, Logical Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude. Section wise, the Logical Reasoning has the maximum weightage and Abstract Reasoning has the minimum weightage. Check below the sectional weightage of MAH MBA CET 2024:

  • Logical Reasoning: 75 questions
  • Abstract Reasoning: 25 questions
  • Quantitative Aptitude: 50 questions
  • Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension: 50 questions

There can be a change in number of questions in the actual question papers. The exam is held in multiple sessions and one session may not have the same sectional weightage as another session. In MAH MBA CET 2023, the first session on day 2 had 83 Quantitative Aptitude session and the second session had 50 questions.

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Q:   What is the duration of MAH CET exam for MBA/MMS?


The duration of MAH CET exam is 2.5 hours or 150 minutes. Candidates are expected complete the paper in the given time limit. There will be no sectional time limit so candidates can answers the questions as per their own strategy. No extra time will be given to any candidate for completing the test under any circumstances.

 In the MAH MBA CET exam, candidates will be required to punch in their answers on screens by using the computer mouse. They will be required to select an option and click on it. To save time on rough work use the screens calculator.

Since MAH MBA CET does’t have sectional time limit, you can re-check your answers as many times as you want till the exam time limit gets over. However, it is important that you keep a check on the time and not waste it in rechecking the answers repeated.

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Table of content
  • MAH MBA CET Exam Pattern 2025: Highlights
  • Section Wise MAH MBA CET Exam Pattern 2025
  • MAH MBA CET Marking Scheme
  • MAH MBA CET Exam Pattern 2025: Important Points
  • MAH MBA CET 2025 Syllabus
  • FAQs Regarding MAH MBA CET Paper Pattern

MAH MBA CET Exam Pattern 2025: Highlights

 The MBA CET exam pattern is precribed by Maharashtra State CET Cell. Given below are the key highlights of the MAH CET 2025 exam pattern for MBA/MMS course:

MAH MBA CET Exam Pattern



  • Logical Reasoning
  • Abstract Reasoning
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension

Number of questions


Number of answer choices

Five options

MBA CET total marks


Exam duration

150 minutes (2.5 hours)

Mode of examination


Medium of examination


MAH CET marking scheme

  • One mark for correct attempt
  • Zero mark for incorrect attempt and unattempted question
  • No negative marking
MAH CET pattern

MAH MBA CET question paper break-up

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Commonly asked questions

Q:   What is the sectional weightage in MAH MBA CET?


MAH MBA CET has four sections – Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension, Logical Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude. Section wise, the Logical Reasoning has the maximum weightage and Abstract Reasoning has the minimum weightage. Check below the sectional weightage of MAH MBA CET 2024:

  • Logical Reasoning: 75 questions
  • Abstract Reasoning: 25 questions
  • Quantitative Aptitude: 50 questions
  • Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension: 50 questions

There can be a change in number of questions in the actual question papers. The exam is held in multiple sessions and one session may not have the same sectional weightage as another session. In MAH MBA CET 2023, the first session on day 2 had 83 Quantitative Aptitude session and the second session had 50 questions.

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Q:   How can I prepare for MAH MBA CET?


MAH MBA CET preparation can be done in two ways – 1. Join a coaching institute 2. Prepare by self study. If you choose the former, you will get complete guidance from the teachers and mentors, but if you choose the later, you will have to be your own guide. Self study will require a lot more discipline and dedication. Take simple yet impactful steps. First of all, check the exam syllabus and see how much time you will require to cover the topics. If you are already familiar with the topics included in the MAH MBA CET syllabus, you will be able to have an estimation of the time required.

Ideally, you should start MAH MBA CET preparation about nine months in advance. That will give you an ample time to understand and master the topics included in the syllabus through theory and practice questions. Join online study groups for problem solving and doubt clearing. Staying in contact with peers will keep you motivated for preparation.

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Q:   Can I choose the order of solving MAH MBA CET questions?


There is no hard and fast rule related to the order of solving MAH MBA CET question. In 2022, the questions were listed in random order without sectional segregation so candidates could choose questions to solve as per their choice. In 2023, the questions were sectionalized so there was no option to choose questions as per one’s choice. It is better that candidates prepare for the exam in such a way that they can solve every next questions that appear on screens. They can skip the question and move to the next. Candidates must note that no matter what the order of the questions be they must save their answers before moving to the next question. If the answers is not saved it will not be recorded in the system.

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Explore subject-wise topics asked in MAH CET

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Section Wise MAH MBA CET Exam Pattern 2025

Take a look at the number of questions asked in each section of MAH MBA CET question paper and marks allotted to them. The number of questions for each section may vary from session to session, so candidates must prepare for all four sections equally well.

MAH MBA CET Sections

Number of Questions

Marks per Question

Logical Reasoning



Abstract Reasoning



Quantitative Aptitude



Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension






MAH MBA CET Difficulty Level: Section Wise

As mentioned above, the MAH CET question paper consists of 200 MCQs divided across four sections. The MAH MBA CET 2025 question paper will have the same number of questions with five options to choose the right answer. There is no sectional time-limit for solving the MAH CET question paper so the candidate can plan how to approach the question paper. Given below is table indicating difficulty levels of the sections for reference:

MBA CET Sections

Difficulty Level

Good Attempts

Abstract Reasoning



Logical Reasoning

Moderate and Lengthy


Quantitative Aptitude

Moderate to Difficult


Verbal Ability

Moderate to Difficult



Moderate and Lengthy


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Commonly asked questions

Q:   Can I prepare for MAH CET MBA in 6 months?


Yes, you can prepare for MAH MBA CET in 6 months as the syllabus in not very different from any other MBA entrance test. The main subjects to study are Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension, Quantitative Aptitude and Logical Reasoning. Data Interpretation is the sub part of Quantitative Aptitude so you need not prepare for it separately. To prepare for MAH MBA CET in six months, make a plan which is more focused on the topics from which most of the questions are asked. This is to make sure that you prepare the right topics in the given limited time. Spend the first three months in covering the syllabus, then utilize the next two months in practicing sample questions as well as mock tests. In the last one month focus on improving your hold on important topics by doing extensive revision and mock tests. You can make your own plan according to your hold over the topics. However, your plan must include mock tests and practice questions. Read More: MAH MBA CET preparation in six months

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Q:   Is MAH CET MBA syllabus and its difficulty level the same as of CAT or XAT?


Yes, the MAH CET MBA syllabus is same as CAT or XAT but its difficult level is lower than the two. If a candidate has appeared for CAT or XAT, then they can easily clear MAH CET with minimum preparation. The MAH CET MBA syllabus for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension, Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation. There is no Decision Making and General Awareness sections in MAH CET which are there in XAT.

Even though the number of questions are higher in MAH CET, the difficult level is easier than both CAT and XAT as there are less number of reading comprehension passages and related questions. The passages of MAH CET are simpler, shorter and less in number. The Quantitative Aptitude and Logical Reasoning questions are also easier in comparison to the questions of CAT and XAT.

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Q:   What is the marking scheme of MAH CET MBA?


The marking scheme of MAH MBA CET is very straightforward. The total marks is 200 hundred for 200 questions. Which means, every question carries one mark. There is no negative marking. In case of incorrect attempt, candidates will be marked zero. If they skip a question, even then they will be marked zero. Total marks of a candidate will be calculated out 200 on the basis of their total number of correct attempt.

Section wise the marks allotment is as follows:

  • Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension: 50 marks
  • Logical Reasoning: 75 marks
  • Abstract Reasoning: 25 marks
  • Quantitative Aptitude: 50 marks

The MAH CET percentile is calculated out of normalized scores of every test take across all the sessions of the exam. The percentile is calculated on the basis of top scoring candidate’s marks against all other candidates.

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MAH MBA CET Marking Scheme

MAH CET MBA follows a very simple marking scheme wherein one mark is awarded for each right attempt. There is no negative marking in MAH CET.

MAH MBA CET Sections

Number of Questions

Total Marks

Abstract Reasoning



Logical Reasoning



Quantitative Aptitude



Verbal Ability




Moderate and Lengthy


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Commonly asked questions

Q:   What are the topics from which Logical Reasoning questions are asked in MAH CET?


Most of the questions of MAH MBA CET Logical and Abstract Reasoning are asked from topics like Arrangements, Family trees, Coding-Decoding, Direction, Clock and Calendars, Groups and Conditionality, Number Series, Venn Diagrams, Syllogisms, Odd Word Out, Analogies, Blood Relations, Proposition, Direction Sense, Assumptions, Puzzles, Binary Logic, Clock and Calendars, Sets and Caselets, etc.

This section is divided into two parts – Logical Reasoning and Abstract Reasoning. The Logical Reasoning section has about 75 questions and Abstract Reasoning Section has around 25 questions. The number of questions can change in a given year or in a given session. So, candidates must prepare for both types of reasoning questions of various difficulty levels. Scoring high in Logical Reasoning will result in a good overall score.

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Q:   What are the topics from which Quantitative Aptitude questions are asked in MAH CET?


The MAH MBA CET Quantitative Aptitude is a moderately difficult section. The topics from which the questions are asked include Geometry, Trigonometry, Algebra, Mensuration, Partnership (Accounts), Profit and Loss, Mean, mode, median, Ratio and Proportion, In-Equations, Quadratic and Linear equations, Surds and Indices, Time-Speed-Distance, Number System, Geometric Progression, Binomial theorem, Inequalities, Work and Time, Percentage, Logarithms, Square Root and Cube Root, Probability and Simple Interest and Compound Interest.

 This section also contains topics from data interpretation and data sufficiency. Normally, there are two sets of data interpretation questions based on a graph, table or pie chart. Most of the questions however are from Quantitative Aptitude, specifically Arithmetic. Aspirants must dedicate about 2-3 months to this section for complete preparation. They need to be thorough with all the concepts and have enough practice of various types of questions.

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Q:   What are the topics from which questions are asked in MAH CET English section?


The MAH MBA CET English session is not dominated by Reading Comprehension unlike CAT. Out of 50 questions, only about 14-16 questions are asked from Reading Comprehension passages. Rest of the questions are asked from topics such as appropriate usage, fill in the banks, para jumbles, vocabulary, antonyms and synonyms, error correction, sentence completion and word arrangement, grammar, one-word substituting and verbal ability. To score well in this section of MAH MBA CET, candidates should focus on English grammar and verbal ability such as word placement, fill in the banks, etc.

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MAH MBA CET Exam Pattern 2025: Important Points

Check below some key points related to MAH MBA CET 2025 exam pattern:

  • MAH MBA CET 2025 will not have sectional time-limit so the candidates can choose the order of answering questions according to their strength and prep plan.

  • MAH MBA CET 2025 will be held on three days. Every day, there will be two sessions and the questions of every session will be unique.

  • The exam will be conducted in online mode. Candidates will have to punch in the answers in the computer system with the help of computer mouse.

  • Pen and paper for rough work will be provided inside the exam hall.

  • Use of calculator or any other gadget during the MBA CET exam is prohibited.
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Commonly asked questions

Q:   Which section of MAH MBA CET syllabus has maximum weightage?


The Logical Reasoning section of MBA CET has the maximum weightage. This section carries 75 marks and Abstract Reasoning section carries 25 marks. So, together they carry 100 questions, i.e. 1/2 of the total number of questions. Quantitative Aptitude and Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension sections carry 50 marks each.

Thus, candidates must prepare for this section well. Most of the times, the Logical Reasoning and Abstract Reasoning questions have been easy to moderate in terms of difficult level. However, candidates should not ignore it at any cost as a good overall score and overall percentile will be directly related to one’s performance in these two sections. If you score low in these two sections, you score will fall drastically.

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Q:   Is the question paper of one MAH CET session different from another?


The question paper of all the MAH CET MBA sessions are different from each other. The test pattern and structure of the MAH MBA CET question papers is the same but one of them could be slightly easier or tougher as no question is repeated in any session. Every MAH CET session has a question paper with unique questions. The number of questions per section also varies from one session to another. This makes one session of the MAH CET exam slightly tougher than another.

The MAH MBA CET exam is always held in multiple sessions. The number of sessions can differ from one year to another. In 2022, the exam was conducted on three days, and every day, 2 sessions were held. In 2023, the exam was held on two days and each day had 2 sessions.

To negate the advantage or disadvantage to a student over another due to differences in the difficult levels, the MAH CET Cell normalizes scores of all candidates on a common scale to calculate percentile.

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MAH MBA CET 2025 Syllabus

MAH MBA CET Syllabus consists of questions from logical and abstract reasoning, quantitative aptitude and verbal ability & reading comprehension. Given below are the section-wise topics on which you should base your MAH CET preparation 2025:

MBA CET Sections


Logical/Abstract Reasoning

Linear and Circular Arrangement, Venn Diagram, Symbol-based Comparison, Series Completion, Coding/Decoding, Syllogisms, Sequential Output, Selection Criteria, Blood Relations, Conditional Coding, Direction Sense

Quantitative Aptitude

Arithmetic, Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, Data Sufficiency, Mensuration, Geometry, Probability, Ratio & Proportion, Numbers, Percentage, Trigonometry, Data Interpretation – Graphs, Charts, Tables

Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension

Reading Comprehension, Antonyms & Synonyms, Spelling/Inappropriate Usage, Error Correction, Fill in the Blanks, Sentence Completion and Word Arrangement, Para Jumbles, Grammar, Vocabulary, Spelling/Inappropriate usage

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Best Books for MAH MBA CET Preparation 2025

Given below is the list of best books for MAH MBA CET preparation. For a complete preparation of MAH CET exam refer to the books listed below. They will help you in concepts, formula, practice, mock tests and tips and tricks.


Author/Publisher Names

MAH CET (MBA/ MMS) Entrance Guide

Disha Publications

50+ Solved Papers


Mathematics for MBA Entrance Exams

R.S. Agarwal

Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension


Maharashtra MBA CET 2018-19

Arihant Publications

Check MAH CET cut offs and predict calls from colleges accepting MAH CET score for admission. Check Fees, Placement Reviews, Admission, Shortlist Criteria and Eligibility of all MAH CET participating colleges by clicking the link below:

Predict MAH CET Calls
View Syllabus

FAQs Regarding MAH MBA CET Paper Pattern

Check here Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to MAH CET pattern:

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Commonly asked questions

Q:   How many MAH CET mock tests should I practice before the exam?


The candidates must practice at least 15-20 MBA CET mock tests. Practicing that many will make them well prepared for all types of questions in the exam - tricky, lengthy, easy, tough, etc. They should practice the mock tests in the latest format of the exam (jumbled questions from across the sections). However, the point to keep in mind is that one should not start practicing mock test without completing the MAH MBA CET syllabus. They must first complete the syllabus so that while solving the mock test, they know which theorem to apply on what type of questions.

Candidate must also analyse their performance with each mock test to see their progress. The goal of MAH MBA CET practice should be to score better with each mock test. The goal should also be the gain speed in solving the questions with each mock test.

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Q:   What is the exam pattern for the MH-CET MBA?


MAH MBA CET exam pattern is similar to other MBA entrance exams but has unique elements. The question paper has 200 questions. All questions are in Multiple Choice Answers type. Every question has five options to choose the correct answers from. The total marks of the test is 200. Each question carries one mark. There is no negative marking in MAH CET so 0 marks will be awarded for incorrect entries. If you skip a question, you will be marked zero. The questions are usually moderate in terms of difficult level.

The time duration of MAH MBA CET is 2.5 hours or 150 minutes. There is no sectional time limit so candidates can solve questions as per their pace. However, they need to complete the paper before the 2.5 hours are over.

MAH CET MBA exam is held in online mode at various test centres. The exam is conducted in multiple sessions. Usually two days, four sessions.

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Q:   Which are the best books for MAH MBA CET?


To study the syllabus for MAH CET MBA/MMS, candidates must choose the right reference books. Although the CAT preparation books are common study material for all MBA entrance exams in India including MAH CET, candidates must refer to exam specific books to know the nuances of the exam. Books for MAH MBA CET are available in the market and they include sample questions of various difficult levels for practice. Candidates planning to appear for MAH MBA CET must refer to the books specific to the exam. Given below is the list of best books for MAH CET MBA preparation:

Book Name

Authors/Publishers Name

MAH CET (MBA/ MMS) Entrance Guide

Odisha Publications

50+ Solve Papers


Mathematics for MBA Entrance Exams

RS Agarwal

Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension


Maharashtra MBA CET 

Arihant Publications

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Q:   What is the marking scheme of MAH CET MBA?


The marking scheme of MAH MBA CET is very straightforward. The total marks is 200 hundred for 200 questions. Which means, every question carries one mark. There is no negative marking. In case of incorrect attempt, candidates will be marked zero. If they skip a question, even then they will be marked zero. Total marks of a candidate will be calculated out 200 on the basis of their total number of correct attempt.

Section wise the marks allotment is as follows:

  • Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension: 50 marks
  • Logical Reasoning: 75 marks
  • Abstract Reasoning: 25 marks
  • Quantitative Aptitude: 50 marks

The MAH CET percentile is calculated out of normalized scores of every test take across all the sessions of the exam. The percentile is calculated on the basis of top scoring candidate’s marks against all other candidates.

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Answered 5 hours ago

Mumbai University allows admission to MMS courses based on MAHCET exam scores. Considering the Mumbai University cutoff 2024, the MMS course percentile stood at 99.99 for JBIMS Mumbai, 99.97 for SIMSREE-Sydenham, 99.95 for Welingkar Mumbai, 99.93 for SIES College of Management Studies, 88.41 for

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Shikha Dixit

Beginner-Level 5

Answered 6 hours ago

Yes, MAH MBA CET is one of the accepted exams for admission to MBA course offered at DY Patil School of Management. Maharashtra Common Entrance Test or MAH CET is a state level management entrance test. The exam is held once in a year in computer-based mode for 2.5 hours. Candidates need to score eq

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Nishtha Shukla

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 9 hours ago

List of top colleges with 100% placements that accept MAH-CET scores:


1. JBIMS (Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies), Mumbai: JBIMS is one of the most prestigious B-schools in India and consistently boasts a 100% placement record.

2. Sydenham Institute of Management Studies, Research and E

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Contributor-Level 9

Answered a week ago

Hello Praveen,

To determine your eligibility for the MAH CET MBA/MMS exam, please consider the following criteria:

1. Educational Qualifications:

  • General Category Candidates: You must have completed a minimum three-year bachelor's degree in any discipline from a university recognised by the University

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Ankit kumar

Contributor-Level 8

Answered a week ago

Hello Esha,

Preparing for the MAH CET MBA/MMS exam requires a structured approach. Here's a guide to assist you:

1. Understand the Exam Pattern and Syllabus:

  • Sections: The exam comprises four sections: Logical Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, and Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehen

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Ankit kumar

Contributor-Level 8

Answered a week ago

Here are some YouTube videos that can help you prepare for the MAH MBA CET:


1. MAHCET MBA 2025 Preparation | Most-Expected Quant Questions by Career Launcher: This video covers important quantitative aptitude topics, shortcuts & tricks to solve questions quickly, and time management strategies.


2. M

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Contributor-Level 9

Answered a week ago

The cutoff for the MAH CET (Maharashtra Common Entrance Test) at Rasiklal M. Dhariwal Sinhgad Technical Institutes Campus varies each year based on the number of applicants and their scores. For the most recent year, the cutoff for the MBA programme was around 65 percentile for the General Category.

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Contributor-Level 9

Answered a week ago

Shivaji University offers a three-year Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) program designed for students who want to build a career in IT and software development. If you are preparing for the MAH CET BCA 2025 and wish to apply for admission to Shivaji University, you must meet specific eligibil

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Vikast Tiwari

Beginner-Level 5

Answered 2 weeks ago

Rasiklal M. Dhariwal Sinhgad Technical Institutes Campus MAH CET cutoff 2024 was closed for MBA admission. The cutoff was released for candidates belonging to All India and Home State quota. For the General AI category candidates, the closing cutoff was 49.59. For the General Home State quota, the c

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Sanjana Singh

Beginner-Level 4

Answered 2 weeks ago

Rasiklal M. Dhariwal Sinhgad Technical Institutes Campus cutoff released via MAH CET, for MBA admission was released. The cutoff was released for All India and Home State quota candidates. For the General AI quota candidates, the cutoff was closed at 49.59 percentile. Therefore, for the General All

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Saakshi Garg

Beginner-Level 4

613 Institutes accepting MAH CET

  • ₹ 24.20 Lakh
  • 2 years
  • |
  • Full Time

NMIMS, Mumbai

Vile Parle West, Mumbai • Private

  • ₹ 10.00 Lakh
  • 2 years
  • |
  • Full Time

NMIMS School of Business Management, Mumbai

Vile Parle West, Mumbai • Private

      • 2 years
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      • Full Time
        • ₹ 17.68 Lakh
        • 2 years
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