What is Audit?

What is Audit?

5 mins readComment
Jaya Sharma
Assistant Manager - Content
Updated on Jan 7, 2025 17:16 IST

As per the dictionary, the word 'Audit' refers to inspecting any entity's financial information. It is an unbiased examination of the books of accounts by a professional called an 'auditor'. Online audit courses on Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning cover internal audits, compliance, risk management, and IT audits, offering certifications to enhance skills and align with industry standards. Let's understand more!


What is Audit

Auditing is essential for ensuring financial accuracy and compliance, making it a critical skill in today's business world. Online audit courses offer a convenient way to learn about internal auditing, risk management, and compliance, providing practical knowledge and certifications to enhance expertise and advance career opportunities in this field.

What is Audit?

Audit is an independent inspection of financial information to express an opinion thereon. The aim is to ensure that books of accounts are properly maintained and are by the law. It has many types, such as tax audits, compliance audits, operation audits, information system audits and financial audits. In this article, our focus will be on learning about financial auditing.

It refers to the examination of financial reports from external auditors. It is not conducted internally by any member of the organisation. This means that your financial reports are being audited by a professional not belonging to the organisation. External audits are performed by external CPA firms as well.

These auditors examine financial statementsThese include statements of changes in equity, income statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements, and notes that comprise accounting policies. 

Auditing Process

There are the following steps in the auditing process that we will be discussing:

  1. An agreement leads to the start of the auditing process. The client will understand and accept the terms of the audit contract.
  2. Clients will submit financial statements to the auditor for the process to initiate.
  3. Auditor will ensure all financial records relevant to the audit are available.
  4. Now, the auditor will research the client's industry to understand how things work.
  5. Auditors will perform analytical procedures and determine auditing and inherent risk.
  6. After determining the control risk and understanding the internal control structure, an audit plan will be developed.

Importance of Auditing

An audit helps in assessing the information provided in the financial reports. It reflects the financial position of the organization at the moment. Through this assessment, one can answer two important questions:

  1. Are the assets and liabilities recorded correctly in the balance sheet?
  2. Are losses and profits properly assessed? 

Benefits of Auditing

There are several benefits of auditing to the organization including the following: 

  1. Through auditing, organizations have a better reputation for being transparent and reliable. It strengthens the trust of shareholders and investors in your business. 
  2. Organizations can understand their actual financial position through external audits. This provides them with insights into areas of improvement. 
  3. By undergoing an audit, you prevent yourself from any legal issues. You can handle situations beforehand by identifying any fraud cases that may become substantial or problematic. 

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Types of Audit

There are mainly three types of audits including the following:

  1. External audits
  2. Internal audits
  3. Government audits

1. External Audits

These are the audits that are conducted by external audits. Such audits ensure that the company's financials are assessed transparently. In this audit process, auditors try to identify any material misstatements in the financial statements. Users have the confidence that the company's financials are accurate and complete. In the external audit, different standards are followed to ensure an unbiased audit. 

2. Internal Audits

Internal audit is performed by consultant auditors who use the company's standards while auditing the company. This type of audit aims to improve internal controls and implement necessary managerial changes. The audit report is directly shared with the Board of Directors and the management.

Organizations employ these internal auditors when they lack in-house resources to audit certain parts of their operations. Through an internal audit, management can identify areas of improvement in their internal control. They can also review any errors in the financial reporting before external auditors take over. 

3. Government Audits

Through this audit, the government audits the financial information of any individual or organization. This review ensures that the reported financial records and the tax amount is correct as per laws. When a taxpayer is selected for the audit, he is notified by email. The audit is either done through mail or an in-person interview to review records. The IRS is an authority in the United States known for such audits.

These audit activities are conducted regularly. The aim is to verify the accuracy of certain transactions and taxpayer returns. In this audit, statistical formulae are randomly used to analyze a taxpayer's return and compare it to similar returns. Such norms are developed from the audits of statistically valid samples of returns. They also select a taxpayer when there are issues with other taxpayers. After this investigation, one of the three outcomes will occur:

  1. The taxpayer will agree to make relevant and required changes.
  2. Taxpayers will disagree to make changes and appeal in court.
  3. Both the parties will agree on making no changes after the complete review. 

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What is an Audit Report?

Auditors issue an audit report to show shareholders the firm’s finances in one fiscal year. This formal activity is independent of a company’s management and prevents any risk of material misstatement caused by internal fraud. 

Auditing involves sending questionnaires, looking at accounting records, checking internal controls to verify financial processes, etc. These shared objectives help gather the evidence before preparing an audit report. 

Audit Opinions

An audit report must be objective. There are four predefined situations when auditors can provide formal opinions. 

  1. Unqualified Opinion: When a firm discloses all financial information correctly, complying with accounting standards.
  2. Qualified Opinion: When a firm’s accounting records do not comply with standard accounting practices.
  3. Disclaimer of Opinion: When the auditor cannot fulfill the planned auditing procedures.
  4. Adverse Opinion: When the company provides misstatements

Free Resources to Learn Auditing

There many ways to learn auditing by yourself. In addition to auditing courses, you can understand complex finance topics, industry news and accounting procedures on financial websites. 

Best Courses To Learn Audit

You can enrol in on of the following audit certifications to learn essential concepts relevant to this skill: 

  1. Diploma in Government Accounting & Internal Audit by NIFM
  2. Handbook on Audit of CSR Activities by ICAI
  3. Become an External Auditor - External Audit Process Level 1 on Udemy
  4. Auditing I: Conceptual Foundations of Auditing on Coursera
  5. Auditing II: The Practice of Auditing on Coursera

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Business since it helps in maintaining transparency. Regular audits also help businesses improve their processes. In the long term, this prevents the company from facing financial losses and legal implications.  

About the Author
Jaya Sharma
Assistant Manager - Content

Jaya is a writer with an experience of over 5 years in content creation and marketing. Her writing style is versatile since she likes to write as per the requirement of the domain. She has worked on Technology, Fina... Read Full Bio